Published: 12/07/2005 - Updated: 08/10/2018
Author: Miriam Reyes2 Comments
Spots on the skin are changes in the color of the skin produced by various causes. They appear on the face or body and are in most cases undesirable for those who suffer. Many, such as spots or patches of pregnancy do not pose anything other than an aesthetic problem. They can be covered easily with makeup but the most desired is to eliminate them completely. Other times, certain spots, like liver, are based on the malfunction of an organ so that their treatment, in addition to responding to a question of personal appearance, required solving the health problem that causes them.
The good news is that there are many ways to eliminate and prevent, which is even more important.
Types of stains on the skin
Wrinkles: They are accumulations of pigment that occurs in non-uniform rounded shape on the skin. They show no regard to health problems. Sometimes they disappear with age. They are most abundant in white-skinned people than in those of dark skin. Become more abundant with the contact with the sun.
Mold: These vary from brown to black, looking flat or in relief. They are known as nevi. They are produced by excess pigmentation or by accumulation of small blood vessels. Congenital in nature. May disappear with age or get older. Show no physical problem, but often represent an aesthetic problem. (Must be monitored because of blood, or sudden changes in color, size or shape. In which case there should be a visit to the dermatologist)
Stains caused by excessive sun exposure: produces an increase in melanin. Ultraviolet rays damage cells. These are very common in older people that are subjected to sunbathing. Are visually more irregular and larger than freckles. Some products worsen the problem as the use of cosmetics or fragrances contending alcohol and sun exposure.
Spots appearing during pregnancy (chloasma or melasma): light-colored spots are produced by hormonal changes during this period, and by ingestion of contraceptives and hormones during menopause. Appear in certain parts of the face, as the cheeks or forehead and chest. Sun exposure predisposes their occurrence.
Blue stain on the skin: may occur as a result of a hit. Sometimes appear without apparent cause and a normal way. These may respond to different motives, from products based on anticoagulants, problems in blood coagulation (aspirin, for example) in diseases such as hemophilia, some sort of nutritional deficiency in the absence of the vitamin C, or K folic acid, infections of the blood, liver, or some type of cancer. And appear not to respond to these shocks, as would be advised to visit a doctor.
Vitiligo: appear as white plaques, sometimes surrounded by a darker edge. Are caused by the loss of pigmentation in the skin, causes are varied, from problems in thyroid until immune reactions of the skin.
Birth stains: red or brown. Have their origin in the birth and have very different shapes and sizes.
Even if the cause of the spots is not the exposure or overexposure to sun, this always makes the problem worse. The sun makes the spots become more visible and dark. The damage from the sun on the skin can be seen under certain light filters before they are normally visible, the sun makes these spots invisible in normal conditions intensify becoming visible. Freedom from prolonged exposure to sunlight may be the best antidote to these unwanted stains appearing on the skin. People who tend to develop spots should use high sun protection factor (This is practically necessary in the case of vitiligo).
It should be remembered that there is a serious conceptual error in the topic of the spots and it is the belief that the sunlight only hits you when you go to the pool or beach, and the reality is that one is exposed to in the light when leaves home. A person with chloasma, after a long walk in the shade will still get dark spots. Many women believe that sunscreen is only for when they go to the countryside or the beach.
When dealing with these problems, modern medicine and cosmetics have very different procedures for partial or total elimination. We can come to the aid of laser whitening or bleaching creams, the application of techniques such as peeling that removes the skin cells and encourages the emergence of new ones, etc. If you have reason for concern about the appearance of our skin, it is advisable to visit a dermatologist to diagnose a possible solution.
About the author
I have a big spot in my back and I always wondered what it was, I read all the descriptions but the only one that fits my state is the birth stain, maybe I should investigate a little bit better before thinking anything, because I wanted to go to the dermatologist but not for just a normal spot
I have many many freckles, how can I reduce them? or there isn’t a way to do it?