Published: 11/03/2006 - Updated: 05/31/2019
It represents a good investment for the environment and the pocket, although it should be advised to avoid potential fraud.
Photovoltaic solar panels convert the sun's energy into a power that can meet the needs of a home and sold in a profitable way to power companies. For its part, solar energy can be used to heat water, allowing energy savings of up to 70%. The various technologies of today have improved the production of these systems, allowing any consumer to become a member and even investors. However, experts recommend the advice of several companies recognized solvency. For its part, Spain is one of the major world powers in the field of solar energy, although it could grow much more if we follow the examples of countries like Japan or Germany.
Consumers and investors in solar energy
Juncal Fernandez explains the Indarsun Group, one of the industry benchmark for solar photovoltaic, solar energy is that a "long-term investment and environmentally sustainable, a way of saving energy and an immediate need for achieving the objectives of the Kyoto Protocol." Also, solar energy is available to all citizens who have in their hands the chance to become consumers and to investors in renewable energy. To do so, according to Ricardo Prat, responsible for Portalsolar, a website that offers advice to potential users, "we must first determine the requirements to be met: generation of electricity, hot water, heating, etc.." Subsequently, Prat explains, is necessary to contact several companies specializing in the sector, which also tend to handle any subsidies to which the user can receive and collect all possible information to make a decision.
Besides Portalsolar, which offers a comprehensive guide to businesses, other web sites belonging to the Center for Solar Energy Studies (CENSOL), the Photovoltaic Industry Association (ASIF), the Association of Solar Thermal Industries (ASIT) or SlarWeb are good references to start searching and learn solvent, such as Indarsun, and other first-level Spanish as a shareholder Ecotechnie, Iberinco, Enerpal Group, Gamesa, Atersa, Tudela Solar, etc.
The final installation of a photovoltaic solar system family, with a space of about 50 meters square and about 5 kilowatts of power can cost somewhere between 33,500 and 36,000 euros The final installation of a solar system photovoltaic family can cost roughly between 33,500 and 36,000 euros (excluding VAT, but can be repaid), according to experts consulted. Lucia Dolera, head of technical services for ASIF, said that the company will purchase electricity distributor to the user of the facility each kilowatt/hour to 0.44 euros (2006 rate). This means, according Juncal Fernández, speak of "around 3,000 euros in annual revenue, depending on geographical location, and minimum maintenance. Moreover, there is a minimum tax of 10% (depending on the province) of investment in IRPF or corporation tax for companies. "
In this sense, says Raimundo Gonzalez, Technical Director of CENSOL, "the initial investment is higher, but the subsidies mentioned above can be amortized within a reasonable time. If you install photovoltaic panels, electricity can sold to the grid and generate monthly profits from the beginning."
In the case of an installation for supplying hot water to housing type, the experts speak of an average investment of between about 1,700 euros and 2,000 euros, depending on whether a block of flats or a house, and bearing in mind that equipment maintenance is almost zero and the average life of the panels is over 10 years. Juncal Fernández believes that the cost can be amortized in a relatively medium "with the savings obtained by leaving the conventional systems using hot water.”
For its part, the new Technical Building Code (CTE) will be binding from 2007 to install solar thermal panels for hot water in homes, "which will result in less than three years 4200 000 square meters of houses equipped with these panels," according to Ricardo Prat. However, the leader of the Indarsun group already talk that the CTE will increase the cost of construction of housing in a 2.81%, representing over half the total increase, its full implementation (5 16%).
About the author
Solar energy is wonderful, and I am all about exploring renewable resources for energy, but I also wonder about the expense of the building materials for these solar panels. what natural (non-renewable) resources are we tapping in order to create the panels?