Slow blood clotting (coagulation disorders): Recommended diet and treatment
Blood clotting is a body mechanism that is activated when the body suffers from any bleeding. This process occurs in two stages: the first with platelets, which are blood cells floating in the bloodstream and gather at the scene of an emergency, i.e. broken tissue or blood vessel. In the second stage, platelets accumulate around the vessel and rotate to form a plug (clot), which together with proteins, form what is known as fibrin, which is a mesh material that serves to form a secure clot. This mechanism is known as "hemostasis".
One of the conditions that occur when there is poor blood clotting is severe bleeding. Bleeding that cannot be stopped is dangerous and can cause all kinds of consequences. This condition is known as hemophilia.
Hemophilia is considered a rare disorder; people with hemophilia can develop excessive bleeding after an injury or accident. These people may bleed even at the knees, ankles, elbows and other joints, causing pain. If not treated properly, it could cause arthritis. In the case of a brain hemorrhage, this could incur very serious complications which require urgent medical assistance.
Causes of slow coagulation:
- Low platelet count.
- Severe liver disease.
- Hereditary problems.
- Side effects of medications.
- Stress, sadness and disappointments stored up from long ago.
How to treat this condition?
The main thing is to have a diet with predominantly fresh or steamed vegetables, either in salads or juices, and increase the intake of vitamin C and K. The latter is of vital importance for coagulation since the proteins involved in creating the tape "Fibrin" in the second stage of coagulation are vitamin K-dependent: Without enough vitamin K, coagulation will take longer and won't be as effective.
Vitamin K
Vitamin K is diluted in fat and can be stored in fat deposits in the body, although the amount that can be stored is very little. It is recommended to eat about 130 micrograms for men aged 19 and over per day, and around 90 micrograms per day for women. In smaller children, the recommended dose is around 2 to 3 mcg, and for children ages 3 upwards: 30 mcg of vitamin K.
Sources of Vitamin K
- Green leafy vegetables like lettuce, spinach, alfalfa, sprouted soybeans, broccoli, kale, etc.
- Unrefined oils like olive and canola (try to obtain extra-virgin if possible).
- Supplements with added vitamin K.
Blood clotting and emotions
The blood represents the most profound aspect of us as it is created in the bone and then is sent to all of our organs, tissues and cells. The blood represents joy, because it is what carries nutrients, oxygen and energy to our body. Coagulation is affected and begins to deteriorate when we experience feelings of sadness or constant depression (loss of joy).