![Seven Secrets to Improving Skin](https://i0.wp.com/en.biomanantial.com/wp-content/uploads//2020/08/Fotolia_26487275_XS.jpg?resize=386%2C311&ssl=1)
Published: 01/22/2015 - Updated: 10/16/2018
Author: Miriam Reyes3 Comments
It’s normal to worry about how your face looks, an acne outbreak, shiny skin, wrinkles; we are concerned about every detail and we’re often times interested in fixing it. Generally, in order to care for their skin, people end up using expensive products which often times contain chemicals. This doesn’t mean, however, that this is always the best option. There are secrets that can help care for your skin, including good habits.
Daily cleansing
Creating cleansing habits for your face is absolutely indispensable if you want to have healthy skin. You skin is exposed to different environmental contaminants daily, which leads to an accumulation of dirt, dead cells and even makeup if you don’t follow a cleaning routine. Remember to wash your face at night with a product that is fitting for your skin type. If you have oily skin, get used to washing your face morning and night, which is to say, twice a day.
1. Be nice to your skin
Although daily cleansing is recommended, you also shouldn’t scrub or rub your skin too harshly. On the contrary, let your chosen cleansing products work for a few minutes so it can “dissolve” your makeup or any impurities, without scrubbing. Or, apply it using a gentle massage using just two of your fingers, and just the fingertips.
2. Use natural products
Today, we worry a lot about avoiding chemicals, and we opt for natural products that are safe, and supposedly better. However, not all products are as natural as we are led to believe. A lot of cosmetic beauty products state that they are natural, however in reality they still contain preservatives and substances that could even be toxic. That’s why it is so important to always chose products from trustworthy laboratories, avoid products that do not specify their ingredients, or just use primarily products that you make at home with ingredients of your choosing.
3. Let your skin do the work for you
If you have oily skin, you might find a lot of products that help you fight this problem. However, although they might counteract oil production, they often times don’t resolve the problem. On the contrary, you begin to depend on these products for keeping your skin more or less healthy.
If you don’t see lasting results with the products you have chosen, you might need to choose something a little richer in oil. You might think this contraindicated, but the reality is, it makes a lot of sense.
The majority of products designed for treating oily skin focus of removing excess oil from the skin. And although this might seem to be the most logical, the truth is, this could stimulate the production of even more oil as the skin’s defense mechanisms. Soon you’ll notice that the problem does not go away, but that it worsens.
Skin naturally products oils for its own protection and to keep it moisturized. However, there can be either too much or too little of said oil, which is known as oily or dry skin (there are also mixed skin types).
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Natural oils work very well for both cases; almond oil is a natural moisturizer that can help keep skin healthy and moisturized, and can be used on both oily and well as dry skins.
4. Avoid night creams
Although there are a lot of products that recommend nightly applications, it might be better to go to bed with clean skin. Skin has been proven to regenerate at night, and some believe that by adding products at night, we could be interfering with this process, limiting our skin’s natural ability to self-regenerate.
5. Exfoliate in moderation
Exfoliating helps eliminate dead skin cells and impurities, however, excessive use of exfoliators could damage skin, and even accelerate signs of aging. That’s why we recommend exfoliating once a week at a maximum. Remember that facial skin is very delicate, so always choose products that are gentle on the face.
6. Eat a healthy diet
A healthy diet is key to having enviable skin. Vitamins and minerals help provide vitality, elasticity, softness, and natural beauty to skin.
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We recommend eating fruits and vegetables. Plant-based foods are truly a great source of nutrition for skin. Fruits and vegetables are also often rich in antioxidants that protect cells from free radical damage, preventing premature aging and promoting the healthiest looking skin.
Another recommendation would be to drink enough liquids, especially fresh water because it helps keep skin healthy and hydrated. It also promotes toxin elimination from the body.
7. Natural routine to clean your skin
As previously mentioned, daily cleansing is very important if you want to have healthy skin. And although there are a lot of products on the market, you can also have clean and healthy skin by using completely natural products.
Morning: a good soap replacement for skin is organic honey. Rub a bit of honey on your face in the morning, let set for a few minutes, and then rinse with warm water. Avoid using honey around your eyes.
Evening: Using a cotton ball or a cotton cloth, moisten your clean face with a bit of almond oil. Try not to scrub, simply rub the cotton ball over your face several times to eliminate any impurities. Do not use this around your eyes.
About the author
There really are a lot of things you can do to improve your skin, and I’ve found one of hte best things is…moisturize!! I used to have pretty bad acne, and I was using pharmaceuticals to treat it, but I finally stopped, I started moisturizing, and my face has cleared up so much! It’s great!!
There really are a lot of things you can do to improve your skin, and I’ve found one of hte best things is…moisturize!! I used to have pretty bad acne, and I was using pharmaceuticals to treat it, but I finally stopped, I started moisturizing, and my face has cleared up so much! It’s great!!
There really are a lot of things you can do to improve your skin, and I’ve found one of hte best things is…moisturize!! I used to have pretty bad acne, and I was using pharmaceuticals to treat it, but I finally stopped, I started moisturizing, and my face has cleared up so much! It’s great!!