Seven Beauty Secrets for Mature Skin

Published: 04/01/2014 - Updated: 01/19/2016

The skin can maintain a  young and beautiful appearance for a long time. No matter if you are 30, 40 or 50 years old, do not believe what is said about the skin losing its youthfulness and fresh appearance over the years, because although it is true that the skin is modified with the passage of time, this does not mean that the skin loses its firmness and youth. Whilst having the necessary elements to stay beautiful and fresh, your skin can look really fabulous at any age.
So here are a few very effective secrets to make your skin appear 30 years younger.

1. Use of creams and ointments : Creams and everything you put on to your skin to nourish it, if it is good quality, can help with no doubt. However, we recommend something that almost no one knows: Do not abuse creams, nor put everything you find available out there on your skin. You must know that the healthiest and youngest looking skins are those which can create their own natural oils and have cells that are regenerated with strength and vitality: These are generated from the diet (see details), good assimilation (see details) and other secrets which we will explain in this article.

2. Application of creams: For face creams to give good results, it is best to apply them at night and in the morning. The best skin creams are those with natural oils and are made with products such as aloe, honey and apple. The creams must be applied after cleansing your skin (see details). Many people over 35 think they have to put on many different creams to "help" the skin, but what the skin really needs, especially after 35, is that you exercise and eat foods rich in antioxidants.

3. Facial cleaning: We recommend that you wash your skin with no soap, but with oatmeal, which you should soak your hands with first and then rub gently on your skin. When you wash your skin, try not to use tap water because it contains chlorine and can dry it out: It is best to rinse with bottled water where possible.

4. Facial gymnastics: One of the most powerful secrets of youthful skin is having firm and toned facial muscles. We recommend that every morning you wake up and try doing some facial gymnastics practice by moving your cheeks back and forth, gently placing your fingers on either side of your mouth and pressing lightly to move your mouth from one side to the other. You can also apply gentle pressure on your cheeks and inflate and deflate, one first and then the other, several times. Next you can place the tip of your finger under your eyes, a little below where the bone starts, and then lift your cheeks gently trying to lift your fingers. Repeat several times. Finally, place the tips of your fingers where your brow starts (between the eyebrows) applying gentle pressure on your forehead and then frown gently trying to push your fingers downwards.

5. Blood circulation: Even if you eat well, if your blood does not circulate properly, nutrients are not properly absorbed into the body. In addition to exercise, it is important that every day you go to bed at a slightly inclined angle so that blood will flow against gravity to your head. While you're lying down, tap on your skin through the cheeks, forehead, lips, etc. and breathe deeply, relaxing and helping your cells become like a sponge to absorb nutrients.

6. Diet: The best foods for your skin are raw vegetables, nuts, for example almonds, amongst many others, which you should not miss out in your diet. Above all, try to eat daily one or two avocados, carrot juice with alfalfa or cactus, or aloe juice dissolved in orange juice if you are fasting. A tip to maintain youthful, firm skin is raw vegetables, so include them at breakfast, lunch and dinner, and in juices at midday and in the evening.

7. Assimilation: Assimilation of nutrients is essential for the skin, so we recommend eating foods rich in digestive enzymes like papaya, apple and probiotics.

About the author
  • K. Laura Garcés G

    Writer, therapist and lecturer. She is a lover of natural medicine and the power of mind and emotions in body and life. In addition, he has studied nutrition and develops appropriate diets to support this healing process.She has written more than 1500 articles in magazines in Spain and Mexico, winner of two literature contests. Linkedin.

7 Replies to “Seven Beauty Secrets for Mature Skin”
  • Andrea says:

    If you take care of your skin since you are very young, then you won?t have problems when getting older as the important thing is to keep the levels of the nutrients you get through food and of course you should do a lot of exercise if you want to keep the skin elastic.

  • Laura says:

    I am getting very old by now, and my skin is not the one it used to be, I want to change this before it is very late…

    I will follow this guidance hoping to find the solution I need…

    Thanks and I hope you can help me with other articles

  • Julia says:

    Maybe there are things that you cannot stop, like getting old, but being old doesn’t mean being ugly or being unhealthy, you can change that paradigm following the example of many old people who still do exercise, eat well and look amazing

  • emily says:

    these are like the same advices you should follow since you are very young to keep your skin healthy, I think..

  • LISA says:


  • Stacy says:

    It sounds kind of funny to say “mature” skin, but I guess it’s a very delicate way of saying things, and sounds nice. Those are some great tips. I’m 27 and starting to notice the first signs of aging in my skin and hair. I’m not overly preoccupied with it, but I am starting to keep in mind a few things that I can do here and there to help keep myself young and spry. I’ll keep your tips in mind, they are both insightful and easy to do. I’m excited to try the “facial gymnastics”, haha.

  • Emily Grace B says:

    Interesting article, although nothing in the end can be done to avoid the appearances of old age in your skin, so I suggest embracing your natural beauty whatever age you are!
    Instead of “quality creams”, I also suggest using a base oil like coconut or sweet almond oil, which keeps the skin moisturised, smooth and supple – and it doesn’t contain any chemicals what-so-ever.