School of Natural Therapies
Syntagna School is a graduate of Natural Therapy there since April 1984. Syntagna school offers a range of training guides geared to the formation of the Generalitat de Catalunya and the guidelines of the European Higher Education Area (Bologna treaty) methodology focusing on the student, practical training, enhancing skills, modular scheduling (mornings, evenings and weekends), a team of professionals with teachers' permission: university, college and reassurance.
Located in the numbers 8, 10, and 11 Calle Padre Rico Valencia, is a certified legal documentation, with 850m2 of comfortable facilities, identification of 65 experts qualified teachers served by the highest professional and academic media driving the most modern teaching aids.
In Sitagma you can study as it is considered essential training in Natural Therapies for better prevention, protection and recovery of health. The environment is based on the culture of health and their treatment methods with living ideas that society imposes and time demand. The institution furthers the knowledge of basic sciences. The idea is to get an advanced holistic recovery for the fundamental right of citizens to choose the means to have a better quality of life. Here we clarify and coordinate the conditions for training of healthcare and health.
Natural therapies, also called complementary medicine, alternative medicine or unconventional biosanitary have a theoretical core with an etiology and a diagnosis system themselves, in consequence, makes "independent and highly responsible."
The current trend is still Syntagna is the recognition of different therapeutic methods :
Naturopathy, traditional Chinese medicine, the Chiromassage, osteopathy, homeopathy, phytotherapy, anthroposophic medicine, the chikung, yoga, tai chi on, are examples of various non-conventional therapies for the prevention, recovery and health protection.
College accreditation
In recent years, the social demand for Natural Therapy is experiencing a major boom. Many people use these therapies as a primary or complementary treatment for their ailments. The Real Centro Universitario "Escorial Maria Cristina ", sensitive to this reality, decided to incorporate the teaching of natural therapies in the program.
The student, enrolled in The RCU-Syntagna curriculum and completed his training at the School Syntagna perform a skill test and level of knowledge in the RCU before a court composed of prestigious professors doctors and therapists. Having overcome this final evaluation, the R.C.U. gives the title of graduates or professional expertise of University Extension, as required to dial the Ministry of Education for access to university studies.
- All students enrolled in the R. C. U. "Escorial Maria Cristina" University.
- University students receive university student card.
- University schedule will comply with the hours (EHEA European credits) and the general guidelines to the "Bologna Declaration" has agreed to European universities
- Continue the programs of training guides of the Generalitat de Catalunyaand the Bologna Declaration
Degrees and Diplomas
Syntagna professional in:
(1150 hours, four academic years)
1st year: Structural I (300 hours)
2nd year: Structural II (300 hours)
3rd year: Visceral (250 hours)
4th year: Craneosacra (300 hours)
(900 hours, three academic years)
1st year: Anatomy and Pathophysiology human. Naturist + practice test + dissection (optional)
2nd year: Diagnosis by natural means. Iridology, Traditional Chinese Med, Analytical, Psychodiagnostic.
3rd year: treatment by natural means. Phytotherapy, Nutrition and Dietetics, Homeopathy, Bach Flowers, Trace elements.
Own university and private RCU
- Higher University Degree in Traditional Chinese Therapy
- Bioenergetics Acupuncture, Moxibustion, Phytotherapy, Auriculotherapy, Tuina, Chikung. Extracurricular
- Certificate in Acupuncture and Moxibustion Bioenergetics Title
- Expert Professional Bioenergetics in Acupuncture and Moxibustion Title
- University Expert Bioenergetics in Acupuncture and Moxibustion Graduate Diploma
- Traditional Chinese Therapy
University Extension Certificate
- CHIROMASSAGE (250 hours an academic year)
- HERB DIETETICS (300 hours an academic year)
- HOMEOPATHY (250 hours, a course Academic)
- REFLEXOLOGY (200 hours an academic year)
- MLD (200 hours an academic year)
- IRIODOLOGY (200 hours an academic year)
- TUI-NA (250 hours, one academic year)
- SHIATSU (1100 hours, three academic years)
- CHINESE PHYTOTHERAPY (400 hours an academic year)
- IN AROMATHERAPY MASSAGE (60 hours) HUMAN ANATOMY + practice + dissection (optional) (200 hours)
- BACH FLOWERS (100-hour)
Other Activities
Syntagna, In addition to higher education is at your disposal a wide range of weekly activities:
- Aikido-a martial art for peace-
- Shaolin Kung-fu
- Oriental dance tribal
- Yoga
- Pilates
- Taichi-Chikung
- Kinomichi