Published: 06/17/2012 - Updated: 10/07/2018
Author: S.M. Aiquipa
The researchers from the Scientific Institute of flaxseed study in USA and Canada have shown that by consuming this seed your body can obtain many positive effects, such as reducing cellular aging, increasing the body's defenses, preventing the occurrence cancer and is also for reducing stress.
Flaxseed is good for stress
After several investigations, it was concluded that people who consume flaxseed feel a great pressure drop and a sensation of calm.
If you're completely stressed out, with the duties of a stressful job, home and children, please try the revitalizing powers and the dose of energy that will provide this great nutritional food.
Experts emphasize the energy value of flaxseed in the brain; it contains nutrients that produce more neurotransmitters.
That's why flaxseed is considered a functional food that contains vitamin B1, B2, C, E, beta carotene and minerals such as iron, zinc, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus and calcium.
Other Benefits of flaxseed
Breast, prostate, colon, lung, etc. Flaxseed contains 27 anti-cancer agents, one of them is Lignin. Flaxseed contains it 100 times more than the best whole grains. No other plant can match these properties. It is a protector against tumor formation. Only in cancer, it is recommended to combine ground flaxseed with low-fat cottage cheese.
Low cholesterol
The flaxseed is good for eliminating cholesterol quickly. It helps control obesity and unnecessary appetite sensation because it contains large amounts of dietary fiber; it has five times more fiber than oatmeal.
Digestive System
It prevents colon cancer. It is ideal for gastritis, constipation, heartburn. Lubricates and regenerates the intestinal flora. It is a laxative for excellence. Prevents diverticula in the intestinal wall. Eliminates toxins and pollutants. Flaxseed contains large amounts of the two types of soluble and insoluble dietary fibers. It contains more fiber than any grain.
Nervous System
People who consume flaxseed feel a great reduction in stress and a feeling of calm. Ideal for people that works under pressure. Improves mental function of elderly, improve behavior problems (schizophrenia). Flaxseed is a dose of energy for your brain, because it contains nutrients that produce more neurotransmitters (natural resuscitations).
Immune System
Flaxseed alleviates allergies; it is very effective for lupus. It contains essential oils like Omega 3, 6, 9 and a high content of nutrients that we need constantly, makes our bodies less sick, by offering a high resistance to disease. Flaxseed is useful for the treatment of anemia.
Cardiovascular System
It is ideal to stop atherosclerosis, removes cholesterol stuck in the arteries, multiple sclerosis, coronary thrombosis, high blood pressure, cardiac arrhythmia, asthma.
Inflammatory diseases
Flaxseed consumption lowers inflammatory conditions of all kinds. All diseases ending in "Titis" such as gastritis, hepatitis, arthritis, colitis, tonsillitis, meningitis, etc.
Skin and hair
With regular consumption of flaxseed, notice how your skin becomes soft and velvety, it is useful for dry skin and sensitive to sunlight. It is ideal for skin problems, such as psoriasis and eczema. It is also recommended as a facial mask for deep cleansing the skin. Black spots, acne, pimples, etc. It is excellent for baldness, also useful in the treatment of dandruff. Use it as jelly to set and nourish your hair and do not use petroleum jelly in your scalp because it damages your hair.
Regular consumption of flaxseed helps control sugar levels in the blood. This is excellent news for insulin-dependent people.
Physical vitality
One of the most notable signs of improvement due to consumption of flaxseed is the progressive increase in the vitality and energy. Flax increases metabolic rate and efficiency in the production of cellular energy. The muscles recover from fatigue after exercise.
How to prepare flaxseed
Two tablespoons per day, sprayed on the processor, mix in a glass of fruit juice, or on the fruit at breakfast or lunch. People of all ages (children, adolescents and older adults) can take it, even pregnant women.
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