Published: 11/19/2006 - Updated: 08/10/2018
Author: Miriam Reyes
The Syrup sap for its important nutrient support can help you lose weight in a short time
It is a logical consequence, as waste along with the body will remove fat deposits. Ingesting calories from Syrup sap is about 700/900. So go to the body fat reserves in order to transform existing energy and generates an additional weight loss but without experience the sensation of hunger.
We propose the following alternatives to choose from depending on the purpose you want to achieve.
1) Liquid diet for 3 days
Frequently we have some invitations to an event with little advance and get alarmed by our silhouette, if we can enter that suit or dress. With this diet you can lose a couple of pounds.
Preparatory Day: Fruit and vegetables (more raw), some cereals and plenty of liquids including 1 liter of beverage with Syrup sap.
Day 1 – Day 3: No solid food is consumed. The only food is the syrup-based drink, and you should take 3 liters per day minimum. In addition to drink syrup, you can take still mineral water, herbal teas from plants such as mint, but not exciting beverages like coffee, tea or mate.
2) Liquid diet for 7 days
With this diet in addition to losing a tummy belly, you can reduce your weight to 4 pounds.
Preparatory Day: Fruit and vegetables (more raw), some cereals and plenty of liquids including 1 liter of beverage with Syrup.
Day 1 – Day 7: No solid food is consumed. The only food is the syrup-based drink and 3 liters per day minimum. In addition to drink it, you can take still mineral water and infusions of medicinal plants. But not exciting drinks such as coffee, tea or mate. Syrup sweetened only with sap.
Day transition: consume fruits and vegetables and grains … so that the digestive system is readjusting to normal activity.
3) Liquid diet for 10 days known as the Cure of sap and lemon juice.
With this diet, the weight loss is greater, up to 8 kilos, and its length, allows a purification of the body, i.e., eliminating toxins.
Preparatory Day: Fruit and vegetables (more raw), some cereals and plenty of liquids including 1 liter of beverage prepared with Syrup.
Day 1 – Day 10: No solid food is consumed. The only food is the syrup-based drink and taking 3 liters per day minimum. In addition to the drink with Syrup of sap, you can take still mineral water, tea, medicinal plants, but not with such exciting drinks coffee, tea or mate. Syrup sweetened only with sap.
Last day: We consume fruits and vegetables, cereals… so that the digestive system is readjusting to a normal activity. As we incorporate new foods, reduce the intake of drink with Syrup of sap.
4) Diet of conventional Syrup Sap
The Syrup sap may be used as part of a diet at long term to offset the restrictions on variety and quantity of food but still losing weight. In this case you can take the syrup in liquid form throughout the day (to prepare a liter or a liter and a half) or add the syrup to other natural food and sweetened drinks (yogurt, cereal, cheese, toast, milk, tea, herbal teas and more)
5) A vegetarian diet with Syrup sap
This diet from fruit and vegetables can only be carried out for several weeks, combined with the sap Syrup that is taken in liquid form throughout the day or incorporating all foods and beverages as permitted sweetener: yogurt, cereal, cheese, toast, milk, tea, herbal teas and more)
6) Maintenance of weight
Some people find it very handy to keep your weight by making one or two days per week of liquid diet. Others prefer diet for 2/3 days each fortnight or month.
Either way, it is a matter of finding the most appropriate to your lifestyle and temperament exploiting the virtues of nutritional Syrup Sap.
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