Published: 07/27/2008 - Updated: 07/18/2016
La Junta de Extremadura and the socio-economic strategic plan sign support and promotion of organic food products in Extremadura 2008-2013
This document is intended to improve conditions processing and marketing of organic food products made in Extremadura and promoting consumption.
CEO of Commerce Board of Extremadura, Pedro Antonio Jara, has signed with the secretary general of the Confederación Regional de Empresarios de Extremadura (CREEX), Juan Manuel Arribas, secretary Collective Negotiations UGT, Rosario Kidneys and Secretary of Industrial Development Policy and Sectoral CCOO, Carlos Canelo, the Strategic Plan for Support and Development of Organic Food Products in Extremadura 2008-2013, which will have a budget of nearly 3.1 million.
The areas of intervention on which the action plan are designed processors ecological distribution of organic products, their consumption and control and certification.
Approximately 634,000 organic farmers in 2006 grew about 31 million hectares, about 0.7% of all agricultural land on the planet, under the principles of organic agriculture. Australia is by far the highest number of acres farmed organically, followed by a distant Argentina, China, USA and Italy, countries that exceed the one million hectares of farming.
On the other hand, consumption of organic food is concentrated mainly in Northern America (USA and Canada) and in the economically more developed European countries. About 45% of global production is consumed by Americans, while 52% is consumed by Europeans.
With regard to Spain, held in December 2007, a farming area of 988,323 hectares, occupying the seventh position in world, only surpassed by large countries such as Australia Geographic, Argentina, China, USA or Brazil and Italy. The growth of the organic crop area was 159.5% in the period 2000-2007.
Meanwhile, Extremadura region, Spanish is the second largest producer, reaches a penetration level of activity in the organic whole of the food industry in the region of almost 5%, higher than the national average.
The number of processing plants in Extremadura has been very positive in 5 years has grown by 158% when the national average growth was 71%.
According to the director there are 75 manufacturers of these products in the region at present consumption in Extremadura is between 3.5 and 7 euros per person per year, although in countries like Switzerland are exceeded one hundred euro annual average consumption per person.
About the author
From all of the articles I’ve been reading here it looks like Spain is really placing an emphasis on increasing the production and consumption of organic produce, which is great! I think we also need to be taking a look at promoting LOCAL food sources, not only to save fuel in transportation, but to support local farmers as well.