Published: 10/26/2012 - Updated: 06/02/2016
Author: Miriam Reyes
Do you suffer from constant congestion, runny nose, and eye irritation at home? If you do, you may have any home allergies.
A study released recently by the World Health Organization (WHO) reveals that half of the respiratory patients experienced those symptoms. Therefore, the following recommendations can help reduce the chance of getting them:
Kill mites
They are the main allergen in interiors. These microscopic animals live in warm and moist places, such as beds and pillows. It is very important to wash our bed sheets weekly in hot water, and our children’s stuffed animals too.
Beware of places where dust accumulates
Try to keep your house as clean as possible; do not forget the difficult corners. The ornaments, souvenirs and photo frames gather dust. Don’t have too many and clean the dust very often.
Eliminate mold
In most houses, mold lives and you may don’t notice it, but it must be removed immediately, as it use to extend very quickly.
Pay attention to pets
Allergy to cats and dogs is especially common. If you suffer from allergy symptoms, make sure that it is not your pet.
Prohibit cigarettes
If you smoke, consider quitting. If you do not smoke, do not let others do it at home. Snuff smoke is terrible for allergies, can affect respiratory irritation and provoke other allergens factors.
Keep the air fresh
The air conditioning is very effective in maintaining adequate moisture and purity of the indoor environment. The filter units are also highly recommended for those who suffer severe allergic symptoms.
Ventilate your home
Today, our homes contain large amounts of allergens and irritants. It’s not good to keep the allergen factors trapped on your house. It is advisable to open windows when the air quality is good, especially between 10 am and 3 pm, when pollen counts are lower.
Choose the best for your home
If the carpet is unavoidable, install one with short hair. Mullet surfaces without a lot of objects help as well, for their easy cleaning. It is suggested that the floors and walls are bare and small items such as books, CDs, etc., should be placed into drawers or closed cabinets. Prevent your bedroom become a library.
For your pillows
Place plastic sheeting or fabric tight in pillows, mattresses and box springs.
Beware the garden
Being outside, raking leaves, mowing the lawn, and walking through the nature, are actions that tend to worsen symptoms. A dust mask can make these activities more bearable. We recommend removing ragweed and wild grass, and garden trees that produce pollen as well.
A popular natural remedy
If you tend to feel allergies, try to include plenty of citrus in your diet. Vitamin C produces a remarkable effect in relieving symptoms, especially with fever and asthma, because of its ability to counteract inflammation responses.
If you are congested, wash your nasal passages with salt water. At home you can easily prepare a refreshing remedy that fights allergies: Mix ¼ teaspoon of salt in a cup of warm water. Then with a syringe, launch a stream of solution into the nose and rinse.
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