Published: 08/19/2006 - Updated: 08/13/2019
Author: Miriam Reyes
Soft and hard at the same time, the skin of an intensely redness protects the heart and flavor. This prehistoric fruit was used by the Romans in ceremonies as a symbol of wealth and fertility, worshiped by the Egyptians and introduced in Spain by the Arabs, who gave it its name, one of the most beautiful cities in the south. Later the Spaniards brought it to America, where it engaged in large areas of the Pacific coastal areas ranging from California to Chile. In Europe, Spain is the largest producer and importer, and its cultivation is of great economic importance in areas of Alicante, Murcia and Tarragona.
The pomegranate ( 'Punica granatum' ) is a shrub tree, about four feet high, with reddish bark, lanceolate leaves and flowers of orange and white color. Its exquisite fruit is a large berry with numerous seeds and leathery. Its collection ranges from mid-September to mid-November. Consumed alone, with sugar, in salads or sauces prepared with t highly recommended by chefs, it is also very popular in baking. Its juice is also used to prepare delicious juices and grenadine, highly valued in the cocktail of southern Europe.
The pomegranate is a source of fiber and vitamins B and C. Its antioxidant content is three times higher than any other product to us from nature.
Many research teams around the world found that eating pomegranates helps significantly in preventing diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular and degenerative.
The brightness, color and thickening of the skin are some of the key factors in determining the quality of the fruit, as the coloring of its grains, depends on whether the pomegranate has been in the sun (they are white) or shade (red). But in both cases, the burst of flavor when bitten causing becomes a delight.
Pomegranate: force of nature
For many years the people of the Mediterranean have eaten pomegranates. They have enjoyed its splendid flavor and amazing health benefits it has. Did you know that pomegranates contain two or three times more antioxidant power than the equivalent amount of green tea or red wine? Scientists, seeing this awesome antioxidant activity, have spread the word.
It's a nice, nutritious and delicious fruit. Naturally low in calories. Medium pomegranate provides 105 calories and large amounts of vitamin C , vitamin B6 and potassium.
If you eat seeds also benefits containing fibers. This fruit contains three times more types of antioxidants that help reduce the risk of heart disease, cancer and allergies and inflammations.
Pomegranate juice can help reverse heart disease. When plaque buildup in the arteries, the arteries (atherosclerosis) harden. Decreasing the arterial blood flow decreasing space. This increases the risk of having a stroke. In studies pomegranate juice decreased the hardening of the arteries arising from high levels of cholesterol.
Other studies have shown how pomegranate juice can help prevent and treat prostate cancer and osteoarthritis. Surely researchers soon discover many more reasons to enjoy this fruit.
When you buy a pomegranate, one should look for one that has a thin, hard shell and undamaged. You can store the time without worrying about spoilage of food.
The seeds can also be eaten in salads, marinated, glazed, as a side dish or dessert. They add color and nutrients to any dish, making it more tasty and nutritious at the same time. You can also enjoy the juice of pomegranate. There are so many ways to enjoy this fruit full of vitamins, antioxidants and of course, sugar.
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How to preserve the pomegranate?
1-15 DAYS: Pomegranates are perfectly preserved in a place at room temperature.
2 MONTHS: In fridge, in compartment for fruit and vegetables .
1 YEAR: If shelled, you can keep beans in the freezer, do not lose any of its nutritional properties nor its excellent flavor.
Preparing the juice
Split pomegranate in half and squeeze as if it was an orange. Do not press hard to keep the seed inside the fruit. Once extracted all the juice, you can pass the seeds through a strainer with a spoon to press thus extract the maximum juice.
Pass beans through a blender.
Turn beans by mixer on low speed and for a short time so that the seeds are not shredded. Then strain.
First of all. you should know that the tiny seeds of G pomegranate should never go to the juice, especially if you decide to take up various juices of the fruit. This juice should not be drunk at the next day, although refrigerate.
Source: Campodeelche.com
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