Published: 05/21/2009 - Updated: 08/09/2019
Author: Prof. Dr. Luis Ruiz-García
One of the oldest remedies that mankind has used to heal all kinds of ailments and diseases has been phytotherapy, which, as the time has passed, has consolidated its prominent place as one of the more effective and beneficial medicines for the organism because, among other things, the herbal not only attacks the symptom but helps the individual to activate its own mechanism of self-defense and self-stimulating the balance and harmony between the organs and systems in a positive nature.
Normal medicine does not stop each time to return to old trends in the world of innumerable people seeking remedies in indigenous wisdom of the oldest civilizations to heal and prevent any kind of discomfort that is now affecting millions of people.
How many already know, plants have many beneficial properties for both the health and beauty. This alternative is not only one of the most affordable, but it is certainly much better than synthetic medicines and pharmacy medicines, the herbal sees disease as an imbalance in the self, which seeks to balance the well being, coming to act not only on the physical level but on the mental and emotional.
The only "drawback" of the herbal is that stimulates the body's self and can often act more slowly, because it gives the body its natural time of restoration and recovery. However, the wait really worth it.
Ways of using herbal
The herbs can be used in many ways: in infusion, in baths, aromatherapy, capsules, tablets, in food, syrups, medicinal waters, and so on. It's a long list of herbs that are in place to remedy various ailments, but this time we are going to learn those indicated for respiratory ailments.
Respiratory diseases and herbs
Respiratory diseases can be caused by several reasons, either by the presence of microorganisms or toxins in the environment (or in the saliva or mucus) which generally attack organisms with nutritional deficiencies, weak or immunologically predisposed to suffer any these discomforts.
Among the most common are the respiratory flu, tonsillitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, influenza and pneumonia.
The main symptoms of these disorders are often very similar and are manifested in the following ways:
- Flushing
- Cough
- Fever
- Headache, throat, ears, or muscle aches
- General malaise
- Tiredness
As the main route of entry for germs that cause these diseases is through the nose and mouth, the first signs of an infection are coughing and sneezing, which are the defense mechanisms that the body uses to prevent contagion.
These disorders are more common during the cold season; this is because the nose hair is responsible for filtering bacteria and paralyzing easy access of microbes to the respiratory organs. However, infections also occur in warm climate.
Plants, herbs and flowers to combat respiratory ailments
Below is a list of herbal plants and flowers used for combat respiratory conditions.
Plants acting antibiotic, antiviral, antiseptic and bactericidal: Eucalyptus, propolis, oregano, savory, cypress, ISOP, hops, rosemary, Melissa, walnut, lotus Azhar, sandalwood., Cinnamon.
Expectorant action: they facilitate the removal of phlegm and mucus and balsamic: Eucalyptus, ivy, licorice, buganbilia, cedar, cypress, sandalwood, fennel, sage, tea tree, myrrh, lotus, anise.
Antitussives Plants properties (cough relieving or soothing): chamomile, oregano, Pasiflora, rosemary, lotus, sage, buganbilia, eucalyptus.
Plants to lower fever: calendula, Gordolobo, ginger, willow, lotus, cherry stalks, cypress.
Plants to strengthen defenses: Echinacea, propolis, Azhar, ponytail, elderberry, lemon.
Ways to use for plants used in respiratory conditions:
It is expectorant and antiseptic power of the airways. Very useful for treating asthma, bronchitis, flu, cough, runny nose, rhinitis, colds, influenza. Use it as steam, baths, infusions, syrups, or by placing a small drop of essential oil around the nose.
The nail has powerful antiseptic and disinfectant, useful for fighting: flu, colds, coughs, bronchitis. You can use it in teas, baths, and vaporizers.
Very useful for the recovery of problems such as flu, bronchitis, colds, coughs. Usage: in vaporizer, herbal teas or baths, or by placing a small drop in the vicinity of the nose.
The lemon is the wise doctor of the herbal measurement. It has a tremendous healing power to deal with all kinds of conditions, among which respiratory diseases. It is used to energize the immune system, making it easier to recover from infectious diseases caused by microorganisms, viruses and bacteria. It also has germicidal properties, antimicrobial and cleansing. You can use it in innumerable ways, from taking lemon juice fasting as a garnish in salads and even tea from the flower or shell, or use their essential oils in baths or sprays.
It has effective bactericidal and antiseptic properties and is used in cases of colds, flu and cough. You can use it in syrups, medicinal water, thermal baths and infusions. In vaporizer is good for cleaning the room of a patient.
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