Published: 09/12/2009 - Updated: 08/09/2019
Author: Prof. Dr. Luis Ruiz-García
There are many natural remedies to combat allergies and among them are herbs, which, if properly used and supported simultaneously with a proper diet can not only alleviate the symptoms of this condition so annoying, like sneezing, itching, rashes, aches and others, but may even eradicate the organism and restore balance and harmony that are health consequences.
More and more people are moving away from allergic pharmacy remedies and antihistamines and are seeking more natural solutions, a decision that no doubt is good as the body has the ability to restore itself and heal if one simply gives the information needed to do.
So if you like them or you begin to draw attention to natural remedies, you must feel in confidence, nature is the healing element par excellence and we only need to know very basic things to use it wisely and effectively.
Allergy Herbs
To drink herbal teas using herbs for treating or otherwise, the first thing is to know which herbs will help you strengthen your body and eliminate, in this case, allergies. Allergy Herbs are:
- Licorice: assistance in cases of rhinitis, in tea or tablets.
- Euphrasia officinalis: also known as eyebright. This herb helps to combat the symptoms of watery eyes and blepharitis.
- Aloe: helps reduce inflammation and relieve a stuffy nose due to various allergies (used in spray for this purpose). Furthermore, this herb is extremely effective for deep cleaning and stripping the body of harmful wastes and fats that tend to stay in the intestines and cause many adverse reactions which are the main causes of allergies, including warming of the blood, toxemia, blood and intestines damaged and malfunctioning. Ayurveda recommends a bitter wine made with aloe juice that is known as Kumari ASAVA to combat allergies.
- Nettle: Helps to stop and evacuate the mucus production and coughing produced mainly by allergy to pollen and even fever.
- Rooibos: is a plant from a South African shrub which has demonstrated antiallergic properties.
- Other: green tea or tea, estafiate (Aztec origin plant with multiple healing properties), lemon balm, chamomile, echinacea, and orange blossom.
How to use:
The best practice is to use them sparingly. An acceptable dose is a teaspoon of the herb of your choice for two glasses of water. The method of preparing the infusion is advisable to put two glasses of pure water in a pan, let boil, add the plant and shut down immediately. Letting it sit 10 minutes, strain and serve. If you add the juice of a lemon to your tea, you can enhance the healing effects, as the lemon is one of the best remedies for allergies, contains lots of vitamin C, helps to remove mucus, strengthens the immune system and is an excellent cleanser.
Please note that many herbs can be toxic if abused. For example, echinacea, which is very useful for respiratory conditions and allergies, in high doses can affect the liver. So it is more advisable to consult a professional in case of any doubt.
Food and Phytotherapy
Although phytotherapy is a very useful alternative to combat the symptoms of allergies and help the body feel better, food is the complement to achieving a recovery in every way. The logjam in the body caused by undigested food waste sugary, processed, meat, dairy animal origin (cheese, milk, etc.), sausages or greasy food combined with foods such as ice cream, soft drinks, candy, alcohol, etc.., because a true internal imbalance that causes the waste is thick, producing, among other things, excess mucus and toxemia (as explained earlier). It is imperative, if you want to truly eradicate an allergy, you leave to intervene in your body irritated with those with inadequate food and combination, and start by eliminating from your diet or minimize foods that were previously mentioned.
You must include vegetable juices in your diet, using foods such as garlic, onions and apples, which are rich in quercitin, a flavonoid that has the ability to maintain healthy levels of histamine. Alfalfa, carrot and celery are vegetables that should not miss in your diet.
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