Published: 07/23/2012 - Updated: 10/30/2018
Author: S.M. Aiquipa
There are times when being a woman looks like a severe torment, we went through a difficult stage in which pain and bad mood are the main protagonists. We refer to the rule, a period where there is a hormonal imbalance of estrogens and progestins and this mismatch is what can cause irritability and sensitivity.
Fortunately, these illnesses do not affect all women, although there are a large number who may suffer from premenstrual syndrome.
The first thing to know is that not only drugs or analgesics can help to eliminate these annoying symptoms, and it's not good for your body to abuse of them every month.
Thus, thinking of you, we offer a guide of food you can consume in those days to help you make more bearable this stage where you feel bloated, cramping and strong urge to explode, mourn and scream.
Vitamin E and B6
If you have a headache, foods rich in Vitamin E can ease your tension. In this case it is good to consume wheat germ, nuts, whole grains, avocados, among others. Similarly vitamin B6 helps to stabilize hormone levels, you can try green vegetables, dairy products, beans, eggs, chicken and fish.
Fatty acids
If there is menstrual cramps, nothing is better than the essential fatty acids like olive oilor seeds (sunflower, corn) to fight them, we also found these acids in oily fish like salmon. It is good to show the importance of a healthy diet that provides these nutrients and avoid all the stress, try to do light exercise to reduce symptoms of colic.
To avoid pain of colic, it is important to consume foods with magnesium, such as meat, seafood, dairy, whole grains and green leafy vegetables, they will help you relax the muscles of the uterus during the menstrual cycle causing severe pain contract .
Also foods that provide calcium, reduce and help prevent water retention, so the consumption of milk or yogurt can relieve a lot of trouble.
Calcium and vitamin D
Experts suggest that women affected by premenstrual syndrome (PMS) have low levels of calcium and vitamin D and high level of parathyroid hormone. It was found that a diet rich in calcium and vitamin D supplements reduce the typical symptoms of PMS.
We find these nutrients in milk, butter, canned fish, fish liver and egg yolk (vitamin D).
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Potassium helps to remove excess of sodium in the body, so eating foods rich in potassium, we will fight fluid retention, bloating and the annoying increase of mass. Potassium can be found in plants in general and fruits like banana.
Beware of anemia
Besides pain, other problems that can cause menstruation is anemia, a severe blood loss. This is not true in all cases,women who do not eat good food are more likely to have it.
To avoid this, it is essential to consume foods with iron, such as liver, lean red meat, seafood, fish and legumes such as lentils.
Bad habits
In addition to the list of recommended foods to avoid premenstrual syndrome, there are some bad habits you have to eliminate and correct.
First, avoid stress and reduce your intake of caffeine, do not drink alcohol, especially before your menstrual cycle.
Finally, some experts recommend taking chocolate during menstruation, indicating that it can low the pain of colic, as well as take away your bad mood. There are even studies claiming that chocolate counters the effects of PMS because of its influence on the hormonal system, so you should try it!
Natural Remedies
If, despite your care in the intake of recommended foods, you still feel some pain, these teas can help.
Cut an onion into pieces and then sauté in the pan with a tablespoon of sesame oil. Add water to cover the onion. After 15 minutes, add two cups of corn kernels and continue another 15 minutes. It is ready to consume.
Dong quai
It is a plant used for centuries in traditional Chinese medicine to alleviate and combat gynecological disorders like premenstrual syndrome, because it contains natural phytoestrogens that act as female hormonal regulators.
Boil three cups of water with 25 grams of raspberry leaves. When it reaches boiling, remove from heat and let stand 15 minutes. Then it should be strained and taken twice a day from the moment you begin to see the first symptoms of premenstrual syndrome.
Boil a cup of water with 15 grams of oregano and drink.
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