Published: 01/08/2013 - Updated: 06/19/2016
Author: K. Laura Garcés G
Osteomalacia is a condition that occurs when the bones of the human body soften or become gelatinous. This problem of the bones, unlike osteoporosis (where bone lose density), is because bones lose hardness or firmness, in children it is known as rickets. Osteomalacia is a condition contrary to osteopetrosis, where the bones become too hard and inflexible.
Why bones become soft or gelatinous?
The biological causes are:
- A poor relationship between the intake of calcium and phosphorus.
- Deficiency of vitamin D
- Loss of phosphate due to a malfunction of the kidneys
- Malfunctioning kidneys
- Poor metabolism and bad absorption of nutrients
- Bad Diet
- Sedentary lifestyle
Other root causes of this condition are:
- The accumulated stress.
- Not having a clear and firm emotional structure, and strong character to solve and deal with situations that bother us.
- Lack of emotional maturity, deny and disguise emotions to others.
- Loss of hope or sadness accumulated.
- Prolonged fear and excessive worry.
- Symptoms of this condition may start with minor pain in bones or muscles, particularly in the lower back and thighs or ankles. In more advanced cases the pain is more intense and radiating to the arms or legs and ribs.
- When the condition is advanced, you may feel loss of strength in the legs or arms, general weakness, a feeling of being unable to sustain yourself.
- In advanced cases, bone fragility presents with multiple fractures and lower in the body, bones break easily, increasing pain, joint stiffness is enhanced, the mobility of the body is reduced and becomes problematic as lack of strength.
- General body pain, but the pain often go unnoticed if the affected part is not pressed or moved sharply.
- The pain worsens with sudden movements accentuated with small strokes or pressure in the affected area.
- Depression and fear may accompany the person with this problem.
How to treat this condition naturally?
While it is a problem that must be addressed as soon as possible, it is very comforting to know that this condition, like all others, can find solution by natural means, especially when you know what to do and how to face this challenge.
The disease becomes a blessing when we react with knowledge and enthusiasm, and learn what it means to us. So do not worry if you have this condition, here are some recommendations that will help to restore the health of your bones, you will feel stronger and regain your mobility.
Many people with bone problems believe that taking more calcium will solve this. But this is a mistake. It is about taking more calcium, but to adapt your diet to have the necessary ingredients to metabolize all the nutrients. The main things you need to do is include in your diet are steamed vegetables, whole grains and papaya or pineapple in the morning and without combining with any other food. At night you should eat raw or cooked apples. You should drink enough water, two liters a day, and include supplements such as brewer's yeast, olive oil extra virgin, horsetail tea (two cups a day, twenty minutes after eating) and chia. It is important to avoid refined sugars and starches as well as cow's milk and products with preservatives.
Even if you feel you have no force or moving hurts, you should try to follow a proper exercise routine, which let you move your legs and arms gently. If you do not move, your bones will atrophy more. So soft you exercise, lie down on the bed and raise and lower your leg straight, move your ankles in circles. If you have trouble walking, you have to go slowly, and when you do, try to enjoy the walk. If you are at home and cannot get out, mentalize that you will enjoy every step.
Are you afraid of falling or walking? This is common and you should not worry, but deal with it. If you feel fear, you need to create your new mental and emotional attitudes in your powerful computer called mind. For this, start by acknowledging what you feel, let yourself move and cries whenever it wants, you should not try to "feel safe" when you do not feel it, acknowledge your weakness and watch them. It is important to observe this because this is one of the main causes of this condition, the body is the evidence of how we have been feeling in life. Many fears appear because we don't believe in ourselves and in the greatness of our interior, which creates a lack of character and confidence in life.
To make work properly your metabolism, you need to lower your stress and emotions, generate more enthusiastic in your life. We can solve many things with medication, but this affect the body making it dependent on external means such as drugs but …. Did you know that your brain can work any type of medication you need? If you give a good diet and enthusiastic disposition, your brain can do wonders for your body.
Furthermore, we recommend looking for another strategic support or comprehensive treatment, where not only the body is healed but your emotional and spiritual world.
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