Published: 08/14/2009 - Updated: 08/19/2016
Agricultural Organic Products Fair in Asturias (FAPEA) is celebrating its eighth edition.
Fairgrounds ables. Llanera. Asturias.
15th and August 16th, 2009 (Saturday and Sunday) during the following hours: Saturday from 11.00 to 21.00 and Sunday 11.00 to 20.00.
The Municipality of Llanera, through the Local Development Agency of Llanera, can provide information on the Fair of Ecological Food Products of Asturias. Phone: 985.77.00.07 (extension 184 / 185 / 188).
A marquee will be installed approximately 900 m2 in a plot adjoining fairgrounds, in which are mounted on wooden stands, 2 x 0.8 m individual, constructed in wood with sheeted roof. Each booth will have a poster showing the details of the producer who uses it.
The price of the stand will be free for all operators involved.
Fair will be open all operators that are included in the Agriculture Ecological Asturias (COPA).
The fair will exhibit and sale. All products (food only) must come from organic farming and have mandatory certification body corresponding control (ecological or conversion).
- Products packaged and labeled: Certificate of product in place.
- Unpackaged products (vegetables, eggs ,…) in direct sale: MUST exhibit poster sale authorized by the CUP and have a direct sales contract in force, comply with all its clauses.
Traders do not qualify as an ecological, but are registered under "Conversion in second year may participate in the fair provided the seeding or planting is done when the license Cup in force, provided that there is available space, and will have products made in the statement of book production and exploitation (Green Paper).
All exhibitors are subject to control of COPA. To this end the technical work carried out by COPA inspection all products of the exhibitors to ensure compliance with this premise.
Each participant will be responsible for placing their products and care of their exhibitors throughout the show. We also designate a person responsible to oversee the entire assembly of the fair to assist and advise producers to keep a certain uniformity and aesthetic sense in the interior of the enclosure.
Inside the tent will be available in principle for operators in the outer perimeter of the area, leaving an area as a common area.
The allocation of the seats inside the tent will be confirmed once the participants.
We also participate in the Regulatory Board with the same information as an exhibitor body that carries out the work of control and certification.
Agricultural Products Fair in Asturias completes its program with the conclusion of talks on various organic productions. Ecological days of FAPE, this seventh edition will focus on the following topics:
On Saturday August 15, at 1730 h, a workshop "Development of organic bread" by Jose Manuel Garcia Alvarez, the Panaderia Madretierra. The bakery is the only factory Madretierra bread Asturias specializing in organic produce bread and other bakery products in ecological character.
Since the grain used to the temperature of the kitchen. All influence the development the best ecological bread.
Those interested in healthy food and agriculture-will have an ecological event in the tent at the fair.
On Sunday, August 16, in addition to the lectures on traditional "ECOLOGICAL VEGETABLE GARDEN" and "USE OF PLANT PROTECTION PRODUCTS in organic production," the tent hosts a talk on "EXPERIENCE OF A GROUP OF REAL CONSUMPTION RESPONSIBLE IN ASTURIAS" (GROUP CONSUMER ECOCESTU), a health concern, but also the survival of the rural world, a meeting, chat and discussion. It will be at 17.30h.
Tasting of a organic menu:
Saturday August 15, from 14.30 hours. You can enjoy a menu prepared with organic food sold by the COPA. Vegetables, rice, meat, tortillas, rice pudding, apple pie, cheese …
Location: Tent of FAPE
Ecological Churraco: Saturday August 15, at 20:00.
(Asturiana Ternera organic production)
NEW! ECOLOGICAL Espiche: One of the main novelties of this edition of FAPE will be holding a espicha. There are many potato omelette, cooked eggs, sausage, cheese, and otherwise, but our product international cider. The ecological implications of Guelue (Llanera) and Noceu (Sariego).
Municipality of Llanera Excellency
Avda Prudencio Gonzalez, 2
33424. Posada de Llanera
Tel: 985 77 00 07
Fax: 985 77 23 16
Local Development Agency: Ext 184/185/188
Av Prudencio Gonzalez, s / n.
Camara Agraria.
33424. Posada de Llanera (Asturias).
Te.l: 985 77 35 58
Fax: 985 77 35 58
About the author
Those fairs are a lot of fun, a lot of healthy and conscious fun, since you help the planet, your body and the society and you grow as a human which share with the rest of the habitants, and the most important thing is to teach our children and the grown-ups too to have a different way of acting related to the environment
I just love these!! 🙂 I grew up in Lincoln, Nebraska, the middle of the plains essentially, and we had a really good agriculture/gardening scene. I really miss all of the farmer’s markets we had. I moved before I got into gardening, so I didn’t even realize how fortunate I was at the time, but now I live in Alaska, and while gardening is possible, it is definitely mroe of a challenge.