Published: 01/10/2009 - Updated: 09/20/2017
The Andalusian greenhouses are opting for technical and prototypes moving towards more innovative and respectful ways of the environment. In this way contribute to slowing the effects of climate change and allow the elimination of harmful carbon dioxide through the upgrading of facilities and implementation of new technologies. So says an article published in the yearbook information of intensive agriculture EUROPE AGRARIA Group.
And it has been verified that the techniques used are intended to slow the effects of climate change. Example of this phenomenon is the province of Almería which has an area of about 27,000 hectares of greenhouses compared to the 50,000 that are reported throughout Spain. This will become the area's most important horticultural protected in the Mediterranean.
The cultivated species are very varied, mostly vegetable crops, especially fruit (tomato, pepper, cucumber, eggplant), followed in importance by flowers.
Thus, the socio-economic sector is crucial to the province of Almería: the greenhouses continued to enjoy good health as far as technical improvements is concerned. Among the advances are: isolation from the outside, better use of rainwater, more solid structures and efficient humidification systems using micro and complex control mechanisms of the climate and temperature, among others.
These advances are complemented by research funded on various areas such as virology and biotechnology, helping to alleviate the negative effects of pests on crops, ornamental retaining the heritage of the Mediterranean area. It tries to extract the most effective methods for growing plants out of season to preserve the climate and inadequate and can produce 24 hours a day 365 days a year by increasingly avant-garde .
The key to manage
A factor derived from the growth in greenhouses is increasingly efficient use of agricultural resources available . For example, saving water through the sand or soil to correct erosion and desertification of soil due to the plastic bag.
These changes make possible a new farming system where the waste management practices to be used as organic compost, and where the Spanish greenhouses have the task of providing a surplus of agricultural environmental quality.
"Over the past 25 years has dropped 0.3 degrees Celsius temperature of the West Coast region of Almeria with the plastic covers for greenhouses," they say. And this, in Although the overall temperature of the planet has risen 0.7 degrees in the Iberian Peninsula has risen 1.5 degrees in the same period of time. This is called hydroponics added that are substrates such as wood, expansive clays, gravel, sand, etc., replacing land, obtaining a more rapid growth and maturation of plants.
Source: Journal Digital Agrario.net / Ecoalimenta.com
About the author
Man, the more I hear about Andalucia, the more I want to visit!! These greenhouse technologies – while the article didn’t provide a ton of explicit details – the concept sounds fantastic!! I’m very interested in gardening/self-sustaining farming, and living in colder climates makes greenhouse gardening a necessity. Way to go Andalucia!