Organic food: rich and secure

Published: 06/14/2008 - Updated: 05/04/2017

The distinctive ecological ensures its safety and provides a quality product that the consumer demands more and more.

Security provided by organic food comes from the production and processing, which do not allow the use of fertilizers, pesticides or any substance that comes from chemical synthesis. In the breeding of animals is totally forbidden to use hormones or antibiotics as feed and the use of stimulants or prophylactic treatments. The result, according to numerous studies, is insured with the organoleptic qualities.

In conventional food, there are several groups of chemicals. If applied in excess, some of which may be harmful to health. Conventional farming systems use aggressive substances such as pesticides or herbicides for pest control or infection of the plant. Sometimes it may also miss the nutritional or organoleptic quality of food due to chemicals that are synthesized for various purposes, and it is true that the accumulation of certain chemicals that can be toxic to humans.

However, food from conventional farming passes stringent control systems that are designed to give the consumer a food with the minimum possible risk. Therefore continue to provide security guarantee. But what about organic agriculture? According to experts, and as they have been showing the various investigations carried out over the years, this type of food provides an important food safety a lower environmental impact and improved quality biological, nutritional and organoleptic. A study by Rutgers University in the United Kingdom, found the superiority of organic vegetables in the mineral content, which exceeded 10 to 50 times the conventional content. Also improved aspects such as flavor and color.

Eco Security

The grown organically is credited with organic manure such as cow manure, horse, sheep or pig. In this type of farming is a biological pest control, and in any case, using PPPs. Moreover, attempts to make efficient use of water and not waste it, and in most cases, they can reuse both the urban and industrial wastewater.

With these guidelines in its design, the organic food is considered of better quality, more nutritious, healthier, tastier and better flavor. It also achieves a significant reduction in food waste, so that man is not exposed to any potential danger to the health. However, on occasion may appear small traces of toxic waste. The experts explain that it is due to diffuse pollution that may result from conventional fields located nearby.

Specific control

In Spain, control and certification of organic agricultural production is conducted through boards or committees of local organic agriculture, public or private bodies, according to the community, dependent ultimately on the Departments of Agriculture of the various autonomous communities.

To allow consumers to distinguish products from organic agriculture to conventional products, all packaged units must carry a numbered label and a specific logo with the name and / or code of the authority or body. Additionally, they must include the words "organic" on all packages.

With this distinctive the consumer ensures that the farm or industry where the product has been made has been or is being subjected to checks by the authority responsible for its own autonomous region. In turn, this control is the only official guarantee that the product meets the quality expected and alleged by the consumer.

More nutritious, tasty and safe

According to a recent European study presented by Carlo Leifert, doctor and professor of microbiology at the University of Newcastle, the project Quality Low Input Food (QLIF), the organic food contain a higher content of vitamins and minerals and a higher antioxidant concentration in food crops. The researchers say that these foods are more nutritious, tasty, safe and preserve biodiversity and the environment.

This project aims to provide research and development on quality, safety and efficiency of methods of organic production in Europe. According to the study, organic production reduces the environmental problems caused by conventional farming and food from more notable for their focus on antioxidants. This higher concentration is observed both in organic fruits and vegetables in the urine of people whose diet is based on organic food. The results for milk and dairy products also indicate a higher organic content in vitamins A and E and a higher proportion of polyunsaturated fatty acids than those obtained by conventional methods.

Source: N. – Eroski

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2 Replies to “Organic food: rich and secure”
  • Kevi says:

    It is so obvious that the organic food is the food that we should be looking for in this century, it is time to forget to produce more to produce better quality, as now it is so common to be sick for anything and all this just because the food we consume is very bad for our health

  • Stacy says:

    Along with this “eco” security of emphasizing the importance of organics, we should also take a look at the importance of buying locally. Buying local organics supports local, family operations, while saving on fuel costs and thereby eliminating more carbon production. Foods grown locally are also well adapted to your local climate, and therefore provide the body the necessary nutrients to thrive in each geographic location.