Published: 01/22/2006 - Updated: 02/13/2018
Approximately 10% of German households are defined as consumers of organic food. Usually families with small children and people between 41 and 50 years with a high level of education. Women are the key decision about purchasing organic foods.
With regard to the regional structure of the consumption of organic food highlights the region of Bavaria, with 27% of the total U.S. population accounts for 42% of purchases of organic food. On the other hand, the regions of eastern Germany, 22% of the population, have a share of consumption of 11%.
From minority to conventional
Convectional producers are becoming increasingly interested in these products, beginning with traditional supermarkets and reaching up to lately Discounters, discount supermarkets such as Aldi or Lidl, which in Germany has a share 55% of the market and dominate the distribution.
Recent trends that have taken place with regard to distribution channels have been the boom of trade and traditional organized biological supermarkets. Uzcanga Manuel, head of the Agro-Economic and Commercial Office of Spain in Düsseldorf, explained the situation: "It is striking that one third of the increase in the commercial sector due to the wide distribution, something unthinkable a few years ago. Regarding the opening of organic supermarkets, has been the Rewe group who chose to create outlets that focus on organic products. The entry of large distribution groups in the environmental sector is increasing substantially the volume of supply and helping to expand the coverage rate and frequency of purchase among casual consumers. The project's Rewe group, however, will gain market share to retailers, because its organic product range in this group is similar and has a strong capacity for investment. "
The picture leaves a narrow margin today to Spanish exports to market products with brand manufacturer. However, there is a clear trend toward the demand for foods with a high added value.
There were 250 biological supermarkets until 2004, adding 50 new open during 2005. For the next 2007 experts predict an increase up to 350 such stores.
The fact that the price remains the key variable for German consumers in general makes the positioning of these prices in supermarkets be in the spotlight.
Organic supermarkets tend to go for a wide range, a committed staff and an excellent presentation. Michael Radau, president of the supermarket SuperBioMarkt biological, believes that these issues should come before price.
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Given the dichotomy faced as to whether organic products continue to be a minority with a higher price, or be available to more people, but probably at the expense of a loss of quality, seems to be the second option will prevail.
Organic foods such as fruits, vegetables, cheeses, bakery and dairy products form the basic range in most retail outlets retail specialized.
A more elaborate biological product
Consumers look for organic products, as well as foods with a benefit on their health, increasing convenience products.
Italia is positioning, with little competition from other countries, in the German market with a high food value because, first, a food industry innovative and able to recognize market trends and second, to include among German consumers with a great reputation as a producer of gourmet food.
"Of course, Italy is our biggest competitor, but are now also waking Portugal, Greece and Tunisia. Throughout the Mediterranean basin are our most direct competitors for the weather and the cycle of the products. The Italians are better marketing, more experienced and more open markets. Besides that sell more products instead of raw materials such as ourselves, which means added value. On the other hand, increased domestic consumption in Italy gives more guarantees to foreign companies. We largely lack the endorsement of the Spanish consumer" says Elias Lopez, Technical Council of Organic Agriculture in the Region of Murcia.
About the author
Well now it is a Little bit different and even though Germay still is a great country producing this kind of organic foods, there are other countries not only in Euripe that are starting to share this system and they have found a great way of helping the world and the consumer as well