Published: 04/22/2007 - Updated: 04/17/2014
Fishing Diversification Seminar of provided a forum for the exchange of experiences, from organic caviar to the role of women in the fishing industry through the experimental farms of turbot.
Fishing Diversification Seminar lived yesterday its first session devoted to discussion of cases and practical experiences at the hands of Rosa Miguelez Ramos, Vice-Chairman of the Committee on Fisheries of the European Parliament who acted as moderator. Meetings will be held until April 18th at the Ateneo de Madrid. Speakers discussed issues such as the economic importance of fishing in Spain, the proverbial lack of administrative and social sector has traditionally suffered despite predominantly located in a country and a great consumer of marine fish, which offers attractive business opportunities to diversify Fisheries and technological deficits being experienced at present.
From organic caviar to role of women
Domezain Alberto Fau, Doctor of Biology and Director of Research and Development Company Riofrío Caviar, addressed the ecological production of caviar, a pioneering project in the world that sparked skepticism at the time of administration and rejection of the sector. The company, which opted for this new area around 1998, is currently producing excellent quality caviar able to compete in the global market with the champions of the traditional sector, the Iranian and Russian caviar.
As Domezain recalled, caviar has its roots in Andalusian factory that 30 years ago sold the caviar of sturgeon in the Guadalquivir. The company, which has among its priorities to research and innovation, besides investing in the recovery and conservation of sturgeon, a species that used to abound in the rivers and now Spain is severely threatened. Domezain also defended the gastronomic qualities of organic caviar, "more subtle flavor and greater richness of nuances that the conventional." Finally, he highlighted the key role in the development of sturgeon from the mouths of rivers such as economic leverage through initiatives of production and nature tourism.
Meanwhile, Rosa Chapela, program coordinator of Seaweed-MEN, described the objectives of this initiative, which aims to create an international multilevel network of fisheries focused on the economic role of women. The initiative promotes business creation, forums, advice, sharing of experiences, promotion of sustainable projects, protecting the environment and the seafaring culture, the strengthening of gender equality and to identify obstacles, work fishing enterprises with Spain, Ireland and Norway.
Among the participating companies include projects as diverse as a company dedicated to the creation of cosmetics from seaweed, a filling of smoked salmon from traditional techniques, the marketing of small barnacles preserved, sport fishing, tourism and travel to the sailor whale watching.
Source: Philippe Cousteau Foundation
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Hmm…This is kind of a perplexing thing to advertise. I didn’t think there was any way that caviar could be affected by added growth hormones or things like that, but I guess, apparently, they can. We catch all of our fish fresh from the ocean, and it provides a large chunk of our diet. It is fresh, delicious, and natural.