Organic Agriculture in La Rioja
La Rioja, territory and natural area management, is formed within the Autonomous Community in Spain. Located 165 km from the Franco-Spanish border to San Sebastian. It is developed by a high valley of the Ebro River and bounded on the north by the foothills of the Sierra de Cantabria and the Ebro River to the south by the Sierra de la Demanda (2,271 m), close to the north by the calls Conchas de Haro and opens to the east formed a broad plain to the land of Navarra.
Ebro River descends into the Mediterranean (479 m to 300 m altitude) near the northern boundary from west to east and receives water seven tributaries that define the seven valleys: Pull, Oja, Najerilla, Iregua, Leza, Cidacos and Alhama.
Agricultural region
In areas of the valley are located preferably the major human settlements. The Ebro River and the areas irrigated, the gentle topography and fertile soils allow the development of a thriving agriculture. By contrast, in the regions of the Sierra, by the altitude, terrain slopes and harsh climate, dominated by forests, natural meadows, pastures and cattle ranching.
The average annual temperature ranges from 15 º C to 8 º C, we can speak of a negative thermal gradient in the direction NE-SW. The maximum values occur in the easternmost part of the territory and the minimum in the mountains of Urbión and Onion.
The annual rainfall varies between 300 and 1200 mm, with positive gradient in the same address above. With minimum value at the eastern end and peak in the Sierras de la Demanda.
The climate in the region of Rioja Alta is subject to Atlantic influences. The autumns are mild, almost at the end of the summer, the winters are long but not extreme, with days of snow and frost. The springs are mild and summers unstable, sunny and warm with cool evening breezes. The rains are well distributed throughout the year.
In Rioja Baja there is a clear Mediterranean climatic influences. The climate is more temperate: warm springs and early summers are long and hot, autumn rain and the short and mild winters, generally without snow or frost.
Land distribution
Of the total area of the Community of La Rioja, just over 25% is devoted to arable and tree land. The rest is occupied by forestland, natural meadows and pastures, in addition to non-agricultural land.
The extensive arable crops predominate in the region of Rioja Alta, the vegetable, fruit and olive trees in Rioja Baja, and the vine is divided by three counties High, Medium and Low.
Ranching, cattle meat, sheep, goats and honey, is practiced in the region of the Sierra, to be located livestock, swine, poultry, dairy cattle, etc. In the regions of Valle.
Activity of organic agriculture is developed under the EEC Regulation 209/91. From the time of its enactment, control functions were performed by a certification body for the entire central Spain: the Board of the Organic Agriculture (CRAE).
In 1996 the powers were transferred to the Autonomous Community of La Rioja, and since then the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development act as the competent authority. Its functions include the accreditation and monitoring of the operation and development of control and ensuring the proper conduct of this activity.
It has the advice of the Council of Ecological Agricultural Production, made by traders, producers, processors and private traders who report and comment on issues of control, promotion, training, etc.
Organization of organic agriculture in la Rioja
At the end of 1995 established the Agency for the Control of Organic Agriculture of La Rioja as a public entity that carries out tasks control and certification in the area of La Rioja, being the responsible Director for Research and Rural Development.
The members of this body, technical staff, are employed for registration, inspection, control and certification of organic production, according to public administrative law. This Authority supports production through specific logo Organic Agriculture.
All operators, both producers and processors, are recorded in the records. All production is marketed under the logo number when it is appropriate for the final consumer, or by steering wheel movement when it sells through another registered operator.
The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, through its Section of Experimental Agriculture and Technology Transfer is responsible for the research, testing, training and promotion of such technologies and products.
Products of organic agriculture in Rioja
1. Wine of the DOCA. Rioja
All viticulture organic wine from La Rioja have a double control for the Board of the Qualified Denomination of Origin Rioja, which lies within one of the most prestigious names in Spain and internationally recognized for its excellent quality and the Body Control of Organic Agriculture of La Rioja, which oversees its production techniques in accordance with EEC Regulation 2092/91.
Rioja wines from organic vineyards are in the higher range within the trend known as Expression of High Quality. The production and processing techniques produce wines of good grade and color, with sound acidity and high fruit aromas.
According to the aging process, are classified into the following types traditional young wine, crianaza, Reserva and Gran Reserva.
2. Fruits and vegetables
A significant number of hectares situated in the Rioja region of Baja, an area of great tradition in this type of market gardening. An important part of the production channels for marketing in overseas markets. The most important fruit crops are apples and pears, and vegetables, barley, cauliflower, peppers, potatoes, leeks, lettuce, broccoli, etc.
3. Extensive
Annual crops and fodder crops for predominance dehydrated, especially alfalfa and vetch-oats, which are destined for organic livestock feed. Also cultivates cereals and sunflower. All these products are sold as bulk.
4. Olive
Offering a product that is classified in the highest category Commercial: Extra virgin olive oil of exceptional organoleptic qualities both as healthy. Obtained by growing varieties that are distinguished by the quality of its productions, mainly Arquebina, using physical means for the extraction of oil and subsequent bottling.
5. Gathering of wild
In mountainous areas, far from any contaminant, plants beneficial to human health occur spontaneously in some districts. The activity is to manually collect some parts of the plant, while its rate of natural regeneration, dehydration and for sale for a pharmaceutical laboratory.
6. Distilled from Pomace
Those are products with high alcohol obtained from distillation of grape marc cultivated with ecological techniques.
7. Honey
It is produced in apiaries located in mountainous areas, far from cities or crops. It is extracted by physical methods and is packed after a process of decantation and filtration. Honey production is preferably form: heather, rosemary, and so on.
A great tradition
Organic products obtained in the Autonomous Community of La Rioja is located at an elevation of unusually high quality, based on the great tradition of producing quality food generation achieved after generation in the products of our land, as recognized internationally
The use of environmentally friendly production techniques is one step more in the tradition of our land. With the guarantee of the Safety Control of Organic Agriculture of La Rioja.
Source: Gobierno de La Rioja