Published: 06/25/2006 - Updated: 04/16/2019
Organic agriculture becomes the protagonist of this fair exhibiting and selling organic products from food and crafts. First Organic Agriculture Fair will be held this Sunday in the plaza of a town to promote this type of crop and bring it to the public to promote responsible attitudes towards the environment and develop interventions to promote awareness by the responsible consumer.
Program about environment and sustainability
"Organic Nutrition and responsible consumption"
Young Joshua and Alberto Agirrebeitia
“Organic farmers and Naturopaths”
Wednesday, 21st Asteazkena
Conference Room
P.Diego Pz. of Arrilucea
Hitzaldi Aretoa
19:00 pm Free and open access
Exposure – Erakusketa:
Mendinet Sarekide , New technologies for rural
Horari – Ordutegia
Weekdays: 18:00 to 20:00 h
From June 22nd to 27th
Exhibition Hall
Carmelo Ortiz de Elgea
Erekusketaren Aretoa
Playground – Haur Jokuak:
Saturday 24th
Plaza- Enparantzan 11:30 AM
Exhibition – Erakusketa:
Renewable energy devices
Tasting of Sausage
Saturday 24th Larunbata
Plaza- Enparantzan 12:00
Organic Agriculture Fair:
Nekazaritza ekologiko fair
Sell of various organic products
Information stands
Children's workshop Cheese
Workshop Talo
Rank Award for Best Product and Best
With the presence of Julio Ibarra (journalist)
Sunday 25th Igandea
Plaza- Enparantzan 10:00 to 15:00 h
About the author
Hm. Not very much information about what really was going on. Do you have any pamphlets on upcoming events? I’m really curious to see what’s out there, and what’s going on in organic agriculture movements around the US. If you have any more information about upcoming events Iwould really like to see what you know!