Published: 10/13/2007 - Updated: 12/11/2016
Author: K. Laura Garcés G
Here we give you a list of foods so you can learn to combine and develop juices rich in nutrients, vitamins and minerals you need. Before making your juices, note the following:
- Canned or cooked products lost almost all their natural properties.
- Avoid using white sugar to sweeten any juice,honeyis a good substitute.
- Remember that juice should be drunk in small sips, chew well before eating.
- In different parts of the world, people are used to mix the fruit with the food in many ways. I will recommend that if you do this, do it in a therapeutic use of fruit, mix as recommended in the following list to get the greatest benefits of each.
Apples: semi-sweet fruit that combines well with the fruits of the same type as guanabana, melons, papayas, pears and red grapes. This fruit is rich in potassium, magnesium, iron, potassium (especially red). They are excellent for digestion, they have a laxative effect on the body and are good for beautifying skin and hair. If you consume at night, you help the food bolus has enough fiber to remove in the morning, and it has sedative effects to help you to sleep. Raw apples are ideal in cases of fever and inflammation, clean the intestines, teeth and gums, and to cleanse and nourish the blood. If you are sick of anything, try a diet for two days with pure apple or juice: you'll see the results.
Peaches and nectarines: are rich in calcium, potassium and sodium. Help stimulate the secretion of digestive juices and have a diuretic effect, helping to cleanse the kidneys and gallbladder. The nectarines have a high carbohydrate content and are very good for cleaning the stomach and the blood. This is a semi-sweet fruit is compatible and can be mixed with the fruits of this type (check apple).
Melon and watermelon: semi-sweet fruit, have a high percentage of water, more than ninety per cent, so we always recommend that these are eaten alone and not mixed with any other food for that water can actually hydrate body. Ideal in the afternoon, as snack food and natural or when the children return from school. These fruits are diuretic, rich in potassium and other minerals.
Banana: is a fruit as sweet as sugar cane, mamey, raisins, the fig, and so on. High in potassium, magnesium, fructose, vitamins and minerals. It is highly recommended that you consume when it is mature and rich in carbohydrates that helps increase the elasticity of the body and prevent cramps. It is the favorite fruit of many athletes.
Pineapple: It is an acidic fruit such as raspberries, strawberries, blackberries, guava, lemon, orange, mandarin, grapefruit. It is rich in potassium, calcium and sodium. High amounts of chlorine and sulfur are ideal for cleaning the body in general, especially in the disinfection of the stomach, intestines and kidneys.
Pomegranate: can vary from a semi-arid fruit according to its type. Exceptionally rich in vitamins B and C and to a lesser extent vitamin A. It contains high percentage of sodium and a purifying effect in the blood.
Strawberries, blackberries and raspberries: are acidic fruit, ideal to combine with orange, lemon, tangerine and guava. The family of the "berries" is very nutritious food, valuable for debugging the whole organism in general blood, skin and stomach. All varieties are rich in potassium and contain very natural sugars necessary for vital functions in the body. Are foods with a high content of vitamin C, so that any juice from them is ideal in cases of flu, infections, lung, etc.
Papaya: It is the "queen" of fruits. It has a special therapeutic value. It contains a very important ingredient called papain, which has actually beneficial effects in the digestive system. The papaya is assistance in almost all the internal and external infections, can be eaten or used as a poultice applied to wounds and infections, and is an ideal mask for cutis. It helps lower fever in cases of gastritis and constipation, detoxifies the blood and helps remove any toxic waste stuck in the intestines.
Grapes: The content of potassium and iron is very high. They are excellent to help eliminate uric acid and stimulate the secretion of gastric acid. Diet of grapes is highly recommended for those who want to restore the body and deeply clean bowels. Remember that beauty begins with a body clean and free of toxins.
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