Nopal (cactus) Recipes for diabetes, obesity and skin problems
The cactus is a plant with many medicinal properties. Besides being a great source of fiber, calcium, antioxidants, minerals and vitamins, it contains elements that help both the intestine and blood to keep working in order and with good condition, plus it is one of the best natural remedies to treat and prevent diabetes and hypoglycemia, because the cactus increases insulin levels and sensitivity, which manages to balance the level of blood sugar, preventing the formation of bad fats that accumulate in the body, causing overweight and other health problems.
The nopal cactus is a plant usually green and oval shaped. It has different sizes depending on the type, and its skin is covered with thorns. It grows wild in desert regions and rather warm or cold. It has an important ecological role as it stops the deforested land degradation, i.e., infertile land becomes fertile land.
Here are some recipes that will help to cure diabetes, hypoglycemia, skin problems and obesity. Remember it is important to avoid eating junk food, refined or fried foods, as these only fill the body with toxins and unnecessary fats.
Nopal juice for Diabetes, hypoglycemia, and skin problems
Take it while fasting every day to see results.
- A medium cactus, fresh
- A glass of pure water
- Juice of one lemon
- One tablespoon of chia or flaxseed (optional)
- A little honey
- Place everything in blender and blend a few minutes. Without strain, drink slowly, chew if necessary.
- Once you drink this juice, do not eat anything else until an hour later. Drink another glass just before the main meal of the day.
Nopal shake against overweight
- One cup of alfalfa
- A medium cactus
- A glass of fresh and natural carrot juice
- Drink a half liter of this juice a day, a glass at noon and one in the afternoon after eating. You must drink two liters of pure water a day to remove fats and toxins. Do not eat anything fried, salty or sugar and refined or processed foods throughout the day. Drink this juice daily until you see results.
Nopal salad to lose weight and cure skin problems
- 3 medium cactus
- Fresh Tomato (red)
- Half onion
- Two cloves of garlic
- Salt, little
- Extra virgin olive oil
- Two juicy lemons
- In a saucepan put all finely chopped vegetables with olive oil.
- Put them into the fire a few minutes, no need to cook much, season with salt.
- Eat as a main dish for lunch.
Nopal juice to lower sugar and combat obesity
- A medium cactus
- A glass of water
- A well-sanitized sprig of parsley
- One tablespoon of chia or flaxseed
- Blend all in blender and sip without strain.
Nopal soup for diabetics or overweight
- 4 stalks of diced cactus
- ½ tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil
- 1 clove of garlic
- 2 finely chopped spring onions
- 3 cups of vegetable broth
- 8 clean spinach leaves into strips
- 1 teaspoon of chopped cilantro
- Salt to taste
- Boil cactus in a cup of water with onion, garlic, cilantro and salt. Cover the pot and simmer a few minutes, over low heat. Once cooked, drain in colander and leave them there until they are cool.
- Apart, fry the onion and garlic with little oil, add the broth and cactus. Let boil for 10 minutes.
- Grind spinach in blender with cilantro and a little broth and pour into soup. Boil five minutes. Before serving, add brown sugar cubes and if desired also chopped cilantro. Serve hot.