Published: 03/25/2009 - Updated: 09/02/2016
Under the slogan: "A GM-free food and agriculture", people is invited to participate in the demonstrations to take place in April and related to food sovereignty. The events will take place in a decentralized manner throughout the Spanish state, and will culminate in a demonstration unit in Zaragoza on April 18.
GM is a large-scale experiment with a technology full of unexpected and unwanted. It threatens our health, has negative environmental effects, genetic contamination occurs, exacerbating problems of access to food, among other hazards.
Many countries have banned it, but Spain continues to facilitate its expansion, endangering our health and our environment by promoting the interests of a handful of multinationals.
Consumers and farmers have the right and responsibility to hear and decide how and where food is produced and can opt for a model of sustainable agriculture and insurance.
Thus, at week 13 to April 18, many individuals and organizations undertake initiatives and actions for claims against the policy of the current transgenic Government, come to streets to demand the recognition of their right to food and agriculture free transgenics.
Date / Time: Saturday April 18 – 12:00 pm
Location: Zaragoza – Puerta del Carmen
With: Plataforma Rural (Friends of the Earth, CAS, Spanish Confederation of Consumers and Users (CECU), Center for Rural Studies and International Agriculture (CERAI), CIC BATA, CIFAES University Rural Paulo Freire, Coordinator of Farmers' Organizations Ganaderos (COAG), C. Tierra de Campos, Ecologists in Action, Entrepueblos Area, Fair Trade, Rural Youth Christian Network Africa Europe SODEPAZ, Veterinarians Without Borders, Movimiento Rural Cristiano, Mundubat, SEAE, SOC, University Rural Paulo Freire, Xarxa de Consum Solidari) and Greenpeace.
Committed Germans
In relation to this event against the use of transgenics, a German couple toured Europe these days to warn of danger transgenic.
This couple had come to Ciudad Rodrigo, and toured Europe in a carriage pulled by two horses with the aim of promoting organic agriculture and warning of the risks of transgenic crops.
According to Efe today explained Mary and Markus Schlegel, which to date have come 3,000 kilometers, their "aim is to bring the crops of the country" by passing and, finally, writing a series of proposals to be presented "in Brussels, to take into account the European Parliament."
This German couple traveled in a coach that has solar panels and where you can surf the Internet. They have already traversed Switzerland, Austria, France, Portugal and the eastern and southern Spain.
From Turkey to Portugal, to the Basque Country, a journey that will continue through provinces like Salamanca, Valladolid and Burgos.
Mary Schlegel said that "people are not informed at all of what they mean transgenic crops, the dangers posed and pollution that is generated when using chemicals in agriculture."
This couple wants Europe to set up in the German town of Überlingen, "which is the first and only city in the European continent where it is not working with GM."
The expedition, which will travel a total of 8,000 kilometers, will conclude in October this year and, in addition to the countries through which already has run, it also aims to pass through Belgium, Holland and Germany.
During the days that remain in Spain, Mary and Markus intend visiting farms, schools and universities.
About the author
So, just to play devil’s advocate for a second, I would like to pose a thought: perhaps GMO’s really aren’t as terrible as a lot of people are making them out to be because, quite simply, we eat GMO’s every day, and even people who claim to be “against GMO’s” are still consuming GMO’s. GMO’s are everywhere, and people don’t realize that even when you consume “organic”…that doesn’t necessarily mean non-GMO.