Published: 09/06/2009 - Updated: 08/14/2019
Author: Miriam Reyes
The aim of naturopathy is to stimulate the body's ability to fight disease. Current naturopathy rests on three pillars (food, body and mind), the balance of which leads to the well-being and optimal health. It also influences a way of thinking and living more health-oriented and so according to nature as possible the constraints of modern life.
What is Naturopathy?
Naturopathic medicine is based on the belief that the body has an innate power to heal itself. Since ancient times already recommended moderate healthy food, adequate rest and exercise.
Yet when health deteriorates for some reason, naturopathy is not limited to alleviate or suppress symptoms, but attempts to discover and treat the cause.
In general, diseases are attributed to an alteration of normal body balance. Although external factors (bacteria, viruses, allergens) can contribute to the onset of the disease, they don’t have as much importance as the weakness and lack of resistance of the patient.
Naturopathy is a complement not a substitute medicine. The age and general health consultant of major importance: naturopaths insist that successful treatment depends not only on the severity of the condition, but the body's ability to heal by itself and it greatly influences the attitude of the person. Bronchitis, for example, will ease soon in a vigorous young man than in a frail elderly, but in both cases was sought healing by stimulating natural processes avoiding the consumption of drugs as far as possible.
The preparation naturopaths have is according to the activity that we developed, we started to develop a personal health plan, as detailed and complete as possible questioning the client about the environment they live and work, their way of life, eating and sleeping habits, menstrual cycles, intestinal function, how their symptoms affect the time of day and weather, etc.
From information obtained from the personal health plan we know why this has deteriorated and developed the program and are health personnel and recommend guidelines to be followed by the consultant, massage, specifying which suits you, correcting eating habits and introduction if necessary to any treatment with herbs or a nutritional supplement, working with breathing and relaxation when appropriate.
Some consultants fear the disease because they consider it beyond their strength. The naturopaths are trying to dispel those fears by explaining that the symptoms are a message from the body which needs attention.
During treatment of certain disorders that may occur temporarily aggravate the symptoms, what is known as a healing crisis and is a good sign because it is considered that the problem has contacted.
In all cases it is necessary to prevent the symptoms covering all the forces of consultant or diminish their will to recover, which will lead to intervention and asking a doctor consultation.
Among general practices are increasing consumption of fruits and vegetables, abstaining from alcohol and those substances containing caffeine, and smoking cessation.
It is advisable to exclude from the diet foods derived from milk or refined sugars, and meat consumption. To purify the body and rest the digestive system, sometimes a short fasting is prescribed.
Today there are techniques that have returned and have been accepted even from the standpoint of official medicine and adopt them as a complement to other treatments. Such is the case of relaxation, fasting, herbal medicine, etc. This return may be due to greater humility of some sectors of official medicine.
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