Natural Health Center Telchi
This center is an institution that since 1986 is dedicated to maintaining the physical and mental health with natural methods
The idea of the center is to provide therapeutic care of the highest level in Chile, capable of establishing a new and deeper conception of what is the physical, mental and spiritual health of people with an interdisciplinary approach from conventional medicine, medicine alternative or complementary and psychology, in addition to applications in health care and natural beauty of the body in the aesthetic and cosmetologists.
Telchi opened the doors to the twenty-first century, following a worldwide trend towards complementarity between science and nature in the way of health and welfare. This develops a model of care focused on the person. It combines the health body / mind integrative psychology and personal development within a holistic framework that recognizes the importance of the emerging scientific paradigms and the perennial philosophy as an engine of cultural change that leads us to reassess the meaning of intimate humans.
The different areas of work of the center not only provides diagnosis and specific treatment for various ailments, but will develop an integrated set of intervention and health education, leading to a progressive and permanent improvement of quality of life people by making them participate in their own process of restoring the balance between body, emotion, mind and spirit.
The center has:
- Center of Alternative Therapies
- Counseling, couples and families
- Center for Natural beuty
- Center for studies of Naturopathy
- Homeopathic Pharmacy
NATURAL HEALTH CENTER TELCHI, is directed and advised by a select team of highly skilled professionals in complementary or alternative therapies, among which are:
Doctors (physiatrist, neurologist, pediatrician, etc..) Chemical Pharmaceutical, homeopathic, Holistic naturopathic, Acupuncture, Iridiologic, Nutritionist Hygienist, Reflexoligist, Radiestecist, Kinesologist, Psychologist, Family Advisor, aestheticians, Cosmetologist, podiatrists, among others.
Also instructors of Yoga, Taichi, Chi Kung, belly dancing, Bio-dance, fun dance, Pilates gymnastics, etc.
How to apply for one therapy
A person can be met in the following ways:
- Go directly to a specific professional.
- Initially go to an assessment, through which will define the treatment.
Evaluation of the patient:
a. – In charge of a specialist, or
b. – Through the Voll apparatus*
VOLL DEVICE OR DERMATRON: Electroacupuncture instrument, which is used to detect and treat energy imbalances in the body and physiological measuring electric charges in the system of meridians in acupuncture points, and detecting changes in the functioning of different organs including food allergies, neurological degeneration, organ, etc.. According to the reports of experts who assessed the patient will develop the treatment.
According to the patient's health problem, the specialist will give an original recipe which can be: homeopathics, phytotherapics, flower therapy, trace elements, natural products, etc.. Parallel to this, determined to continue a treatment which may consist of:
Sessions appliances. These may include: Colon – hydrotherapy, infrared sauna, aromatherapy steam capsule, lymphatic drainage and circulation machine in Bio Spa, Hydrotherapy salt springs, thermal jet, cell regenerator ABM Electrocomputer, Ultrasound, or Voll, etc..
Meetings with one or more specialists, the frequency and number of sessions depend on the patient's situation. These can be: Acupuncture, Shiatsu, Reflexology, Mud (cataplasm mud or clay), hydrotherapy, thermotherapy, Massage, Yoga, Pilates gymnastics, etc. For newborns and pregnant special exercises carried out by a midwife (preparation for childbirth, postural problems, etc.).
Arrangements for food. The specialist may also provide a special scheme under the condition of the patient.
Treatable diseases
Natural Health Center TELCHI with different therapies and complementary or alternative treatments can treat, alleviate or improve all kinds of diseases. All these therapies activate own defenses to balance the body as meaning physical, psychological, emotional and spiritual, thereby restoring health. Do not hesitate to contact us if you want to know about treatment for a specific disease or Discomfort. Among the various diseases that are treatable, may be appointed as follows:
Organic diseases (especially chronic): Diabetes, Hypertension, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Acne, Constipation, vascular diseases, renal, hormonal, Joint, Bone, gynecological (ovarian cysts and breast), anemia, sinusitis, bronchitis, disorders of the menopause, Meniere's syndrome, trigeminal neuralgia, etc..
Diseases of mental health: Depression, neurosis, panic disorder, stress, insomnia, anorexia, addictions.
Psychosomatic diseases: irritable bowel, headaches, Psoriasis, Neuralgia, Ulcerative Colitis, Sleep, etc.
Sexual Dysfunction: Premature Ejaculation, Impotence, frigidity, lack of sexual appetite, etc..
Focusing in children and adults with mental problems: Paralysis (Cerebral and others), hemiplegia, paraplegia, congenital Torticollis, scoliosis, Traumatology, Down syndrome, headaches, etc..
Focusing on children: dystrophic, immature and late (Method BHEBARD), bronchial asthma, obstructive bronchitis, attention deficit syndrome, nightmares, fears, enuresis and childhood diseases in general.
Consultancy and guidance: Psychologist and Family Advisor with the Professional Institute entitled Carlos Casanueva, supplemented Flower Therapy, Homeopathy, etc..
Skeletal-muscle disease and rehabilitation: Treatment and rehabilitation of brain-vascular accidents, injuries from accidents, Headaches, Scoliosis, Spine, Arthritis, Lumbago, Arthritis, Rheumatism, Tendonitis, Bursitis, recurrent sprains, lumbago, Lumbo-sciatica, disc protrusion or hernia syndrome chronic musculoskeletal pain, fibromyalgia syndrome, Primary Miofacial pain syndromes, syndromes meniscal, carpal tunnel syndrome, Meniere's syndrome, Artrialgias, Coccigodimia, intercostal neuralgia, trigeminal neuralgia, stretching of muscles or tendons, muscle lacerations, ligament injuries, a member of the Phantom Pain, Treatment of venous ulcers and physical rehabilitation in general.
Eating disorders: Obesity, Bulimia, Anorexia. These disorders are focused integrating the organizational, psychological, emotional, nutritional and aesthetic, as the food is just one of the factors.
Focusing on preganant: postural exercises to prepare for childbirth and for muscle aches and column pre-and post-partum
In addition, Telchi has a department of counseling, a Natural Aesthetics Center, a Learning Center and a Homeopathic Pharmacy.
Natural Health Center Telchi
Freire No. 355 – 361 • St. Bernard
Santiago Chile