Published: 10/02/2012 - Updated: 05/22/2016
Author: K. Laura Garcés G2 Comments
Have you tried everything to eliminate fungus? Can’t you stand anymore the itching? The nail fungus and scalp on our skin can be treated naturally and effectively if you really concentrate the factors necessary to remove them. The problem is that it’s difficult to eradicate parasitic organisms as they adapt easily to heat and humid environments (such as skin), they are troublesome because they affect the area with itching, redness and unpleasant appearance.
To eradicate them, there are many remedies, creams and ointments that are not recommended for pharmacy, they only attack the problem superficially and can damage the skin or create drug dependence.
So nothing better to eradicate fungi than by natural ways. If you are really persistent they will disappear forever. You only need to integrate three important things: diet, which should remove all refined sugars and fried products that help the environment inside your skin to be propitious to incubate germs. You should drink two liters of pure water a day, a clove of raw garlic and chewed in the morning or evening and a fresh juice of alfalfa, aloe and carrot daily as well. No white sugar or soda, white bread, junk food or fast, either sausage or saturated fats. Include in your diet enough natural vitamin C in lemon juice, orange, etc. You'll see it's worth the effort.
Another factor to consider is the emotional state, because if you are tense or worried, you damage your immune system and it promotes your skin resistance to fungus. You should also realize if you're not too attached to someone or something, or be too dependent or insecure; as these are factors generate a lot of emotional stress and anxiety, which can influence the growth of fungus.
And another key factor to cure yourself is to use herbal remedies, which not only battle the fungus but help strengthen your immune system.
Cinnamon: powerful germicidal
Cinnamon has a prominent medicinal property which has helped many people to eradicate skin fungus. It is said that where there is cinnamon no fungus survives, and if you know how to use this product, you will see good results.
The first step is to get cinnamon of good quality, preferably organic for you to avoid contamination with pesticides and others. Then, you have to prepare an infusion with one liter of pure water and about 7 medium cinnamon sticks. Boil the water for about 5 minutes, turn off and let stand for 5 minutes. Drink a cup of tea 20 minutes after eating. Along with making cinnamon infusion, you should apply to the affected area an infusion prepared in the same way twice but adding cinnamon straws and steeping 10 minutes after turning off the fire. Apply well as detailed below:
Nails: Soak your nails in a cup of cinnamon tea made previously and add a few drops of lemon. Soak for 10 minutes and then dry your hands and apply directly, without rinsing, coconut oil mixed with cinnamon powder. Go to sleep with this oil and repeated daily in the evening and morning.
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Scalp: before washing your head, vigorously apply coconut oil with cinnamon powder all over your scalp. Then wash your head with soap and finally apply a cup of cinnamon cold infusion. Don’t rinse it.
Injury in the skin: Apply coconut oil with cinnamon powder on the affected area several times a day.
Coconut oil: in a 50ml bottle, add one teaspoon of cinnamon powder and mix well. Apply to the affected area until the fungus disappears. Remember to follow the diet and consider your emotional state.
It is advisable to use cotton clothes and to have a good hygiene every day. Avoid scratching when itching appears because this actually aggravates the problem. Stop itching with coconut oil. Avoid swimming at night, as this concentrates the moisture in the skin with the natural warmth of your body, which is an ideal environment for fungi. Above all, avoid washing your head at night in case of dandruff or fungus on the scalp.
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About the author
I got some kind of injury in my arm time ago, I went to my doctor and he told me it was a fungus infection because in that part of my skin, somehow water stuck there or anything like that. He recommended me coconut as well and it worked for me. I used an special cream to stop it, but I would take the proper care in case it appears again
I love cinnamon! For some reason it has always been one of my favorite scents and spices. I love the way it smells, and cooking with it and drinking it is even better! I had no idea it had some many cosmetic uses as well. All the more reason to keep a lot of cinnamon sticks on hand at all times. Thanks!