Published: 12/26/2016 - Updated: 08/14/2019
Author: Miriam Reyes
Most people understand microorganisms as bacteria and viruses that cause disease and have a negative effect on the environment and health, but what are these small creatures that we can not see, and who have lived for millions of years in the Earth, in plants, animals and within us? Their power is great because they produce oxygen, they can even change the soil, climate and ecosystems. They can live in places impossible for other living beings. These include bacteria, protozoa, micro algae, fungi and also viruses.
Effective Microorganisms and the Environment
Cities are growing from year to year, even in distant countries where agriculture does not very long meant a significant income for the population. Monoculture has caused soil poverty, artificial fertilizers and other chemicals have destroyed not only the pests but also other important microorganisms, which of course means impacts on ecosystems and low production.
Our conscience has increased, today we are looking for alternatives for selective soil disinfection and the increase of positive microorganisms in agriculture. In what way do effective microorganisms work? These micro-organisms, especially designed for fertilization and soil improvement, feed the soil and plants for optimum growth, higher yields, as well as healthier fruits and vegetables for consumption. Another important aspect is that plants are able to protect themselves against pests and other external conditions, as they are stronger and have a better development. A way to restore balance in the soil and achieve a higher quality in production. The process to promote this effect is not only an increase in useful bacterial cultures but using an innovative technique through fermentation. Following the same principle have been developed different products for the garden, animals, the house and humans.
Healthy food
Gardens and orchards in cities, school gardens and other initiatives have multiplied in recent years around the world, the idea is to produce our own food, without the use of pesticides and insecticides, using only natural fertilizers, rich in microorganisms, the Result are healthy products such as fruits, vegetables, and herbs, which can be used immediately, without posing a danger to the consumer, and which constitute a saving, since being seasonal products no longer have to buy , This also means an income for many people, especially for the elderly who in gardening find an interesting activity, which also increases their self-confidence and quality of life. Do not forget that gardening and gardening are a very enriching experience for children and the family in general.
Bio: The Truth
The more society develops, and life expectancy increases, more and more people are choosing organic products, these have evolved in different directions. Nowadays we find not only vegetables or organic fruits, but also clothing, cosmetics, natural medicines, clean energy and building materials, environmentally friendly. Also for a cleaner household there are products with effective microorganisms, which protect the water in the home and thus the environment. They are especially recommended for sensitive people, children or people with allergies. These types of products can be applied in the kitchen, the bathroom or to wash clothes.
Harmful microorganisms
The human body is home to millions of microorganisms that live on our skin or in the intestines, and are usually not harmful but useful as they aid digestion and maintain the balance of the intestinal flora.
But when the process of food rot begins, bacteria, fungi and other living things are involved, they often multiply and can cause dangerous diseases or infections. Symptoms in young children, who often carry dirty hands or objects to the mouth, are diarrhea or upset stomach. Sick or elderly are also more susceptible to harmful microorganisms such as salmonella. However, most bacteria can not survive temperatures above 80 degrees, therefore fresh fruits and vegetables should be carefully disinfected, and foods such as meats, poultry, fish and shellfish, dairy products or eggs should be cooked . Adequate personal hygiene and a clean kitchen, with the application of specific cooking standards can prevent cross-contamination. Fresh foods should be eaten as soon as possible, and stored only briefly in the refrigerator. Food that enters the pantry should be well packaged and stored in a cool place. Always pay attention to the expiration date.
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