Published: 05/07/2012 - Updated: 08/05/2017
Author: K. Laura Garcés G2 Comments
The body has the ability to regenerate and heal itself, it is an amazing machine but that does not mean it doesn´t require the necessary elements to maintain perfect health and proper balance. What are these elements? Nutrients from food, good oxygen and oxygenation, centered and balanced emotions and a creative and conscious energy management in the life experiences.
When any of these items is not achieved, the body suffers without doubt; manifesting wear and tear of organs and tissues, constant tiredness, pain, irritability and nervousness, which eventually grows all kinds of diseases.
As diet is an essential factor for body care, here we offer a menu for a week, where you can combine and add certain foods that promote your true healing.
Note that…
The food comes from the earth, and that in these times, the land has suffered wear and is not as nutritious as before. It’s no longer enough to know what to eat, you should be sure that your food is preferably organic, especially all vegetables and grains or seeds, which need to absorb all their nutrients from land. There are lettuces that contain 95% water, and no longer have as many minerals as before, and the tomato can have insecticides, being very harmful to the gut and liver.
Remember that:
The best way to nourish the body and keep it with good energy is eating 5 times a day and less food in each meal.
You must drink every day 2 liters of pure water at least. You should not abuse the consumption of water which sweeps nutrients.
Do not mix any sweetened food with meals, so the dessert is for two hours after eating. Nor fruits should be mixed with other foods in this menu.
This menu is designed for virtually all people who wish to heal body and restore vitality and youth. If there is any food contraindicated for you, just replace it with an equivalent.
FASTING: a glass of warm water with lemon juice and a tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil.
BREAKFAST: bowl of papaya with almonds and some honey.
LUNCH: glass of carrot juice with alfalfa, fresh.
FOOD: semi-cooked vegetable soup with steamed rice.
AFTERNOON: cup of oatmeal with almond milk.
DINNER: one or two apples.
FASTING: a glass of orange juice with a lemon squeezed.
BREAKFAST: glass of rice milk with whole wheat toast.
LUNCH: glass of carrot juice with beet and celery.
FOOD: Rice with vegetables and vegetable patties.
AFTERNOON (optional): sweet prunes with apple and brown sugar.
DINNER: veggie sandwich.
FASTING: an avocado or fresh pineapple juice and two tablets of brewer's yeast
BREAKFAST: vegetable quesadillas (The quesadillas are flour or corn tortillas, folded and stuffed with potatoes, spinach, mushrooms, beans, etc.) You can substitute vegetable quesadillas for crepes.
FOOD: amaranth, potato or spinach pancakes without frying. Accompany with a salad of mixed vegetables, but include some germinated.
AFTERNOON: guava paste or eat some fresh fruit. Remember that fruit has powerful regenerative and rejuvenating properties.
DINNER: salad with rice.
FASTING: cactus juice with lemon and a tablespoon of chia.
BREAKFAST: Toasted bread with tomato and extra virgin olive oil. Serve with glass of almond milk.
LUNCH: tomato juice with celery and parsley.
FOOD: pasta with steamed vegetables, accompanied with fresh salad, or potato dumplings.
AFTERNOON: amaranth cereal bar.
DINNER: cup of oats with a tablespoon of flaxseed.
FASTING: a glass of prune juice, unsweetened.
BREAKFAST: potato rolls filled with cheese or seasoned tofu.
LUNCH: salad with chopped walnuts.
FOOD: diced vegetables either spinach, potatoes, beans, etc., with tomato sauce, and a soup of barley.
AFTERNOON: sweet tapioca with brown sugar.
DINNER: pear salad with apple.
FASTING: bowl of fresh papaya or mango; sprinkle a tablespoon of flaxseed or chia.
BREAKFAST: pancakes with oat grain.
LUNCH: a glass of cactus, celery and carrots juice.
FOOD: miso soup and steamed vegetables with some fish, preferably salmon. If you do not eat fish, you can put tofu or chopped peanuts.
AFTERNOON: cup of rice milk with graham crackers.
DINNER: vegetable salad with semi-cooked amaranth.
FASTING: a cup with one seed (eat the little seeds that are rich in antioxidants) and a glass of water.
BREAKFAST: bread with extra virgin olive oil, vegetables and goat cheese.
LUNCH: A glass of carrot juice with alfalfa.
FOOD: vegetarian pizza and onion soup.
AFTERNOON: cereal bar.
DINNER: natural apple juice and fresh.
About the author
I think this is a perfect diet to maintain weight and improve our health. I would add more citrus fruits and maybe some infusions or teas. Well, I think I?m going to try to do this diet but changing some products since it?s hard to find them in this place. Thank you a lot! Keep on going.
This does sound like a perfect diet, and I’m so glad I have read this article because I’ve been looking for a good cleansing diet. We’re already in the midst of a cold winter, so I’m not so sure it’s a great time to be cleansing or doing weight loss diets, but I’ll keep this one in mind for when spring rolls around, so I can cleanse at hte next season change.