Published: 11/29/2011 - Updated: 07/24/2016
Author: K. Laura Garcés G2 Comments
Lighting candles is a way to decorate or to harmonize the environment, but it can also be very useful in meditation or visualization, even in magical rituals or ceremonies, because the fire has been associated since immemorial times with the profound transformation and renewal of things.
The fire holds great mysteries. In all cultures the fire has been used as a metaphor of evolution, linking with the spirit and purification. The fire can wipe out an entire forest or give life to an entire planet, that’s why the sun is a symbol of life, movement and energy. Fire is an element of the magical forces that are part of nature and balance.
Fire, ritual and transformation
The use of fire can have endless story because from the beginning of time until present, people have use it at home and in the ceremonies and meditations. Ritual use focuses on creating or pushing drastic changes in life, it is said to be able to burn concentrated dense energy and help remove obstacles or problems through the ceremony. Today we can feel its charm by candles, which, only with a drop of fire and light, have magic and charm.
Meaning of colors and candles
Another attraction of the candles is that in addition to connect us with such a powerful element, we can help accentuate certain virtues in our lives through the use and choice of color. Each color vibrates at different frequencies. It's nothing new to know that the radiation energy that certain colors emit, help us to get in touch and encourage virtues, which can facilitate the power of meditation and create magical environments in the decoration.
Here are a list of candle colors and the meaning of each one:
NOTE: The use of the colors are increased or weakened depending on the person's intention and focus.
Blue Candles: Blue is a color associated with cold water. It stimulates reflection and calm, in moments when you need great concentration. It is also used to enhance memory and contemplation; in the decoration, it helps to create calm and peaceful environments. In magic is used to accentuate and make communication more fluid, because the blue is associated with the throat chakra, blue helps make relationships more harmonious and fluid.
Red Candles: a color associated with fire, change, love and sexuality. Its magic is used to bring the beloved and when initiated social projects (such as relationships, business, marriage, etc). It is a color associated with the root chakra, so it helps the person to set foot on earth, to have more sense of reality and to stimulate the sense of pleasure in things that are done in life.
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White Candles: white is associated with purity, with immaculate and divine light. White is used to purify harmonic environments and attract things, it is a color that brings peace and helps raise the spirits when depressed. The white candles help to focus attention on what we want, and easily absorb the energy of those around, so they are used in the practice of reading the candles, by which, with white candles, an expert on the subject can decode the life and future of that person once he has passed through the body the candle and it is lit. The white candles are also very useful when there are patients, it helps to purify their bodies.
Purple Candles: the color of the priests. A mystical color associated with the transmutation of energy and magical or spiritual action. It creates a mystical atmosphere that transports to who meditates to a powerful spiritual connection. It is used in religious ceremonies for those who need to develop faith and those who go through the pain of the death of a person. Very useful in meditation, visualization and decoration to give a really deep and mystical touch to the place.
Golden Candles: color associated with wisdom, birth and renewal. The gold is associated with gold and property, and used in meditation or magic to attract money and good fortune, it increases sales and attracts customers. This color helps us to have an open mind and to awaken an understood and conscious spirituality. The gold helps us also to feel connected to all living things, so it is used in meditation which promotes unit; making us feel that we are all united by the same divine essence.
Green Candles: the color green is the predominant color in nature, which is associated with the health, growth, hope, renewal and fresh things. Green is used as a healing color, is associated with the fourth chakra, which is the heart, so is also associated with relationships, friendship and love, but above all, with love for yourself. Green gives freshness to the environment, and scatters the energy of renewal and wellbeing.
Brown Candles: are used to help fixing problems, and lead in difficult times of the experiences that seem to have no solution.
Orange Candles: are associated with creativity, intelligence and power. This color is related to the second chakra, the sexual chakra of creativity (associated with the sexual organs). It is used in magic to treat cases of infertility; being a very stimulating color, it is used to lift the spirits in difficult situations or conflict.
Yellow Candles: are also used to attract money and material goods. The yellow color is associated to gold and wisdom; it helps vitalize environments and fluid power.
Candles and time of year
Christmas and New Year are times where we are called to reflection and meditation, and candles are part of this magical and spiritual environment. However, we can use candles at all times, it is always advisable to have the guidance of the fire element in our lives and, if you also combine the use of color and why not, scents like lavender, cinnamon, rose and more, candles can be great friends and magical vehicles that facilitate the smooth flow of energy and great transformation in our lives.
About the author
Well I didn?t know that candles can be so spiritual and important to flow our inner energy, now I?m going to try to use more candles while I?m relaxing to create a better environment. I?m very interested in topics like this that help us to maintain our mental and spiritual health in good mood.
Interesting. I’ve heard about colors carrying spiritual (or mental) charges, and it’s interesting to apply this concept to candles, which can come fragranced as well – another sensory perception that carries meaning. It would be interesting to dedicate an article to all of the ways that our senses connect us with the mystical. Sight, sound, touch, smell, etc.