Maya Center
It is a health area dedicated for over 23 years to two specific activities and time related. These activities are divided into two areas: area of education and health.
As schools, we are dedicated to offer courses in theoretical and practical training of Chiromassage, Reflexology, Manual Lymphatic Drainage, Sports Massage, Osteopathy, Shiatsu, Kinesiology, Naturopathy…
Also, with these training workshops and courses and complementary methods you can learn more advanced techniques and procedures: Metamorphic Massage, Sports Bandages, Reiki, Stretching, Flower Essences…
Didactic method
The didactic method of Centro Maya is based on the learning of theoretical and technical knowledge and on many hours of practice to acquire the best manual dexterity. In addition to the teaching hours, the students have several organized services of practices and application of knowledge depending on the courses. All these activities will take place during the course and outside the school day.
Practice without teacher
In which students are engaged during the course and may use the facilities of the center, over an extended time.
Practice with real patients
In which the student during the course conduct can apply the acquired knowledge with actual patients under the supervision of the teacher.
Practice at Marathons
During the course, you can practice in the Valencia marathon, learning to give massage to athletes of the same.
Partnerships and practices in spas, clinics and rehabilitation places
Rehabilitation Clinic Dr. Gómez Ferrer/Sea Spa/Spa Navarro Catalan/Spa/urban Rehabilitation Center Dr. Pilar/Naturista Medical Center/Medical Center Dr. Marco Antonio.
The Center has adequate and modern facilities, as well as all the media needed to ensure effective learning.
Teachers and therapists at center have a great professional experience and education, stemming in large part on their professional experience and are continuously improving the methods and procedures to ensure the best quality of education. All Maya Center activities are designed for students to achieve the highest level of qualification and professional competence.
Maya center in partnership with other entities
Maya Center:
National Registered: under the number 1996681, class 41.
Center authorized by our Brand diplomas of Vocational Education: academic invalid, granted under Article 24-1 of the Organic Law 1/1990 of October 3 (BOE 4-10-1990) .
Maya Center collaborates with the following institutions:
- Member of the Association of Private Entities for the Teaching of Manual Therapy Techniques.
- Center collaborated with the Instituto Valenciano de la Juventud de la Generalitat Valenciana (Carnet Jove)
Students at Maya Center, once completed their training, may join it.
Maya Center receives job applications from different companies:
Spas, Spas, Esthetic centers, and contacts with these companies to students.
It is in turn a Counseling Service and working materials (clothing, beds, utensils, massage, essential oils, Bach flowers, books…), to upgrade professional skills of the student.
Likewise, the students, after completing their studies, if they wish to establish themselves, they can do it with an advisory service to guide them on the efforts and activities to be developed for this purpose.
Health Area
Maya Center offers the following services:
- Naturopathy
- Chiromassage
- Sports Massage
- Foot Reflexology
- Shiatsu
- Kinesiology
- Homeopathy
- Osteopathy
- metamorphic Massage
- Reiki
- Flower Remedies
- Yoga
- Taichi
- Chi Kung