Published: 10/30/2006 - Updated: 06/09/2017
The General Secretary for Agriculture and Food, Josep Puxeu, met last Thursday with the ecological associations SEO/Birdlife, WWW/Adena and the Félix Rodríguez de la Fuente foundation, which analyzed the environmental most relevant policies of the Ministry, stressing the importance of priority to improve the environment and the rural environment in the National Strategic Plan for Rural Development 2007 – 2013, the current impetus to the modernization of irrigation and water saving, and aspects of land use and protection of natural environment to raise the Act's sustainable rural development.
This reunion regards to the irrigation policy, and more specifically the Emergency Plan, reaffirmed cooperation in access to information on the modernization of irrigation and water saving by the environmental associations concerned.
Regarding the Rural Development Act, the General Secretary said that one of its objectives is to protect and enhance the natural heritage of rural areas, crucial for achieving true sustainable development, noting that the Law will be an element of territorial policy which will have elements of natural resources and environment.
About the author
This magazine talks a lot about the organic agricultural associations that are present throughout Spain, and it really makes me happy to see so much development taking place. Other countries, like the United States, should take notice and emulate their progress.