Published: 02/22/2006 - Updated: 08/13/2019
Author: Miriam Reyes
Man can maintain the optimum balance with environment to enjoy flexibility, health and longevity, the following relationship 1:7. Speaking almost comparable in our consumption of mineral to protein 1:7, carbohydrate to protein of 1:7, carbohydrate to water 1: 7; of 1:7 water to air.
Our daily meal should be 50 – 60% organic whole grains, 20-30% of fresh vegetables, 5-10% of vegetables and sea vegetables or seaweed, and 5-10% of miso soup. All these products should be organic.
The grains and vegetables contain carbohydrates in the best quality. These are foods that give us energy, provide the body with fuel that is easily digestible and leaves little waste in the body.
The refined carbohydrates harm our health and fatten. Modern society consumes 50% of carbohydrates in this form – refined and processed.
Macrobiotic diet
Whole grains contain fiber that affects the functioning of our food channel. Help move the waste along the intestine, while inhibiting the formation of toxins and harmful bacteria in the colon.
The vegetables and grains are good source of protein. Legumes contain high quality vegetable protein which is easy to be assimilated and used by our bodies.
Additionally we need minerals to:
- maintain a high level of energy
- keep calm nerves
- muscles, heart, hair, and blood in good health
- important formation of bones, teeth and nails
- maintain immunity against the disease
- regulate the pH of the blood
The best source of minerals is found in sea vegetables or seaweed. These are among the most nutritious foods that are on earth:
- Hiziki contains 14 times more calcium than cow's milk.
- Nori contains more vitamin A than carrots, and twice that of proteins some meats.
- Dulse is rich in iron and potassium.
- Kombu increases longevity, intelligence and clarity of thought.
- Wakame helps reduce high blood pressure and relieves the problems of heart.
The seaweed contains vitamins A, B (thiamine), C, E, B12. Sea vegetables are working directly with the blood, if it is very alkaline acid. It also reduces the excess fat and mucus. Its mineral content purifies our blood by removing the effects of acidity of the modern diet. It helps prevent and improve high blood pressure, atherosclerosis, allergies, arthritis, rheumatism and disorders of the nervous system. Kombu and wakame acid, “Alganic", transforms toxic metals in the intestines to harmless salts that are easily removed. They also help eliminate radioactive substances from the body.
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Other basic ingredients that we include in our diet are miso and Tamari. Miso is a fermented soybean product. It contains proteins that are easily digested, contains twice the protein of meat or fish. It helps digestion and promotes bowel movement. The Tamari or shoyu soy sauce is naturally fermented.
Avoid these foods
- The red meat, and its products.
- The dairy – milk, milk powder, butter, cheese, etc.
- Simple sugars – white sugar, brown, honey, fructose, saccharin, synthetic sweeteners or artificial, and so on.
- Products highly refined , and its products, including white rice, white bread, white pasta, etc..
- Tropical Fruits or semi-tropical juices (unless you live in these areas geographical)
- Foods containing dyes , chemical , additives, food, industrial and synthetic, and so on.
- Refreshments, artificial soda commercial teas and beverages and stimulants
- Frozen Food and cans
- Eggs
- Artificially produced Vitamins or course supplements of proteins or minerals, including vitamins in pill, yeast, protein concentrates, etc.. and artificial formulas for children
- Coconut oil, animal and plant trade, commercial mayonnaise and salad for commercial alignments
Food Recommended (all organic if possible)
- Brown Rice
- Millet
- Kasha
- Saraceno
- wheat or barley
- Oats
- Corn
- Wheat
- Rye, Its products (bread, pasta, etc.)
- Turnips
- carrots
- onion
- Daikon radish
- burdock, lotus root, and so on.
- pumpkin
- cabbage broccoli
- cauliflower
- Brussels sprouts
- chard
- turnips
- leeks
- parsley
- chives
- watercress, and so on.
- Azuki
- lentils
- Jewish black chickpeas, and so on.
Sea algae:
- wakame
- Kombu
- Nori
- Hiziki
- Arame Dulse
- Agar agar
- unrefined sea salt
- Tamari, shoyu
- Miso
- Tamari shoyu-Tekke
- Gomashio
- Kuzu
- Umeboshi plum vinegar rice
- Vinegar Apple Vinegar
- Malt Syrup or rice or barley malt
- Corn Syrup
- Wheat malt
- Bancha, kukicha of tea or 3 years
- Yannoh
- Tea Coffee Mu
- barley
- Mineral Water
- Quality vegetable oils and biological
- Sesame
- Sunflower
- Corn
Other supplemental foods
These may take up to 10% of the diet, depending on individual needs and tastes. Once or twice a week, take a small amount of fish white (if desired). There should be more than 10-15% of the food. It is better to eat fruit cooked, and whatever is in season in the geographical area where you live. Occasionally you can take nuts. You can also take natural sweetened desserts with syrup from rice, barley, corn or wheat. You can also use toasted nuts or seeds as snack from time to time.
Source: Michio Kushi
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