Published: 11/10/2009 - Updated: 10/16/2018
Author: K. Laura Garcés G
Breast milk is the healthiest food for the newborn baby, and helps spread defenses, good maxilofaxial development of the baby suckling at the breast for strengthening muscles in the face many, many more than the bottle. Also, when you breastfeed your baby, your body releases a hormone called oxcitocine, which helps the uterus regain its normal size. So do not hesitate to breastfeed your baby! if you're doing or you're going to do it soon, here are these useful tips to help you and your baby enjoy this moment to the fullest, and keep your breasts as well as healthy and beautiful.
Diet recommended for lactating women
Diet is undoubtedly the basis of good milk to feed the baby, but it is also essential to keep the mother with very good energy and arrangement, nurtured to facilitate postpartum recovery.
It is best to try to maintain a high quality diet, avoid any product that "just fills", refined sugar, animal sausages and fried foods, always endeavors to give preference to the following foods:
Fresh Fruits: all fruits are rich in vitamins and minerals, but especially in fiber. Include them in your diet but prefer the papaya, apples, bananas and oranges, which are excellent at this time. The papaya, bananas and oranges are great in the morning and as first food, while apples and pears are perfect in the evening, help the bolus stay soft and evacuate more easily. It is important to get the most value for fruit, try not to combine them with other foods, eat them alone and always on an empty stomach and let it digest about 30 minutes. Do not combine with sweet acid fruits.
Fresh vegetables: essential to quality milk but also for your tissues to recover quickly. The best at the moment are the carrot, avocado (rich in vitamin E), the alfalfa sprouts and leaf, celery, parsley and beet.
Cereals: the best at this time are amaranth, oats, barley, brown rice and wheat.
Dairy: dairy animal are too heavy for the body and tend to form flakes in the intestines that promote constipation. It is best to avoid them, replace for soy, sesame or rice or almonds milk; avoid industrial yoghurt. The gruel of rice and amaranth are especially recommended for good milk.
Seeds, oil seeds and nuts: they are excellent source of minerals (iron, calcium, magnesium, etc.).. Almonds (3 almonds equal one glass of milk), sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, prunes or green chillies (excellent to help evacuate normally), nuts and peanuts are nutritious super food, also rich in vitamin E to help prevent drying of your nipples and any stretch marks on breast tissue.
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Star Food: flax, aloe juice, pollen, honey or molasses, grain, liquid chlorophyll, breads, tofu, probiotics, brewer's yeast and sprouts should not miss on your diet.
Drink pure natural water, do not smoke or drink alcohol beverage stimulants or sugar.
Tips for good nursing
- When breastfeeding, avoid being stressed out; If you feel angry or not with much spirit, try to relax by listening to some soothing music or practicing some breathing exercises. You can also request for a gentle massage on the back or on your feet.
- Use a special bra for breastfeeding so you can give the nurse your baby in comfort.
- Put your baby very gently and avoid noisy places while breastfeeding.
- After the baby eat, rub on your breasts with a soft cotton and a little oil so they can be well lubricated and can better withstand changes in the size of your breasts.
- Try to keep your back straight and do not curve when you're breastfeeding.
- If you have plenty of milk, take a little with the breast pump jacks and set aside for the baby during the night or offer it to another young child if you have one nearby.
- Avoid strong flavored foods as these influence the taste of milk.
- Avoid applying firming creams on your breasts.
- Apply occasionally water with chamomile compresses on your nipples to help lubricate or clean before breastfeeding.
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