Published: 03/23/2006 - Updated: 04/20/2019
Author: Prof. Dr. Luis Ruiz-García
The mouth of the river Pas, the Natural Park of Dunes in Liencres and the massif of La Picota constitute a unique landscape and natural interest, presence of valuable assets, all inextricably linked to each other.
Manifesto for the defense of La Picota and Liencres Natural Park
In the last fifteen years, this area has undergone a radical transformation and destroyed the old rural town following the same policy that has degraded much of the coast of Cantabria.
The court rulings against illegal housing covered by the existing General Urban Plan (PGOU) of Pielagos are known, but the City Council continue to approve building permits, expediting a policy of fait accompli causing serious harm to the natural heritage of all Cantabrians and createing great uncertainty about legal system.
While the Coastal Plan (POL) marks a turning point for the brake and urban policy of the Municipality of Pielagos, the legal framework is still valid for 1993 and the PGOU allows actions as pernicious as those of the High Cuckoo which is set in the Sector 2 of Liencres.
The development of this Sector 2 would mean the development of 200,000 square meters along the north side of the massif of La Picota and the Natural Park of Dunes in Liencres. We face, therefore, a nightmare in the form of rows of apartments all along the road between Boo and Liencres surrounding concrete and bricks to the park and irreversibly ruining one of the most beautiful and unique places of all Biscay.
This is why a group of organizations in Cantabria:
Aware that the City Council has abdicated Pielagos long time defending the general interest.
Aware that the Government of Cantabria has not been successful in their efforts to stop the territorial model imposed by the City of Pielagos.
Recognizing that the implementation of Sector 2 in Liencres is a threat to the values to the Natural Park of Dunes in Liencres and that this has not yet developed all of its management tools.
Aware that the vast majority of Cantabrians and Cantabrian models reject speculation that ruined urban landscape coast.
That institutions which represent the willingness of all Cantabrians adopt specific initiatives to extend the boundaries of the Natural Park of Dunes in Liencres on the north side of the mountain to its peak in Picota, on land as classified by the POL Landscape Area of Interest, integrated over the building in this area under the name of Sector 2 in Liencres.
Signatory organizations
LOCAL: Mortera Green, Association for the Conservation of Environment Liencres, Maple Neighborhood Association, Neighborhood Association of Pielagos Renedo
ECOLOGICAL: ARCA, SEO / BirdLife, Ecologists in Action, Group Costa Quebrada,
Greenpeace, Friends of the Earth Spain, Youth for Ecology, Félix Rodríguez de la Fuente
MILITARY HERITAGE: ADIC, Acanto, Cantabria Us, Liérganes XXI, ADEVAL, ACDPS, Asociación Cultural Pro-Comillas Another Castro Is Possible CAEAP, Association for the Defense Heritage Valley Villaescusa, Civic Association Limpias 21, Juan de Espina Cultural Association
Conceju-CNC, Regüelta, PCC-PCE, JCC, IU
OTHER: Forum Becedo, INTER – Committee of Solidarity with the Peoples of
ragmen Emaus, Nodo50-labaroRED, Espacio Alternativo in Cantabria, Another Reality, Assembly of Women of Cantabria
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