Kirei Shiatsu Therapy Center
The Kirei Shiatsu Therapy Center is located in the neighborhood of Poblesec, near the avenue Paral.lel in Barcelona. Here you will find a wide range of alternative medicine treatments. The welfare of the patient and the idea of achieving a better quality of life are essential pillars in the center.
Reiki Therapy
During a session the client is left to spoil, and not much more. It is advisable not to talk and be completely relaxed. This does not mean that it is forbidden to speak, he can ask the therapist if anything is causing concern and should explain if you feel any uncomfortable feeling (pain, emotions …) then the therapist should know them and treat them properly. Typically the client lies down and forget everything during the treatment. Sometimes a person may fall asleep if are tired.
The session
The person receiving the session is barefoot and lies down with the clothes on the couch. From here has to do nothing. Prior spoke of the problems that led him to seek the meeting with the therapist that knows how to treat it.
From here the practitioner is prepared and traces in the air with his hands the symbols you need and start putting their hands on the patient (without touching or just touching) in various positions. During the session the therapist will draw more than symbols and make the patient's body movements to mobilize the energies properly. The positions are used to distribute energy throughout the body and are concentrated where the disease is found. Finally the therapist ends the session and notifies the patient gently.
Manual Therapies
Since time immemorial man has always taken advantage of the nature offered to alleviate their illnesses. There are, on this, countless historical records and archaeological data to realize in practice the healing techniques that are used only with their hands. From the ancient writings that are detailed manual procedures to alleviate pain, use of acupuncture needles, dissolving vegetable dyes, healing until today, which seeks to relieve the tensions of modern life, always present manual therapies.
There are a number of techniques as it is obvious that everyone has a different name depending on the criterion that the first design. Some of them have a large consensus within the manuals and other therapists gradually fall into the black hole of technology without foundation. It is tempting to think that the more technical handle therapists we become better or at least get a larger number of degrees and thus a presumed prestige. But as in many cases is not the amount that qualifies as a manual therapist. Almost constantly therapy manuals are discredited by professionals not trained properly. The effectiveness of most of the manual therapy depends largely on the competence of professionals, including their expertise and experience.
Consultation on natural medicine
Among the treatments of Natural Medicine will find the following services:
- Naturopathy
- Dietetics
- Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine
Energy therapies
Energy therapies help overcome body, emotions, mind and spirit problems. Here we find:
- Reiki
- Bach Flowers
- Metamorphic Technique
Regressive therapy
Access to the past to change and heal this. Regressive therapy is a psychotherapeutic method in the field of transpersonal psychology that through an experiential process allows us to access past experiences that determine our response to this.
Reviving these situations is the emotional release and brings acknowledge and understand to the patterns created at the mental, emotional and physical.
These criteria remain in the subconscious and affect our behavior as it is activated when we are in reality similar emotions as an automatic trigger and / or behaviors that do not understand and that prevent us from seeing the current situation with other viewpoints.
The person feels the precise moment at which these events were generated and revive amending our level of consciousness and deep understanding is achieved by allowing different perspectives to allow for healing body, mind and soul in a process of complete transformation.
Down in therapy the therapist guides the work or try to interpret the facts, being the person that the above findings and knowledge of the experiences he has undergone and the standards established automated building from which present reality.
This aspect of the therapeutic work is to enable a few weeks you may access and change the criteria that determine their lives for this, from here, enhance the tools and skills and reprogram patterns of behavior.
During the therapeutic work, the person that is fully conscious and is aware by self which is what allows you to understand and defuse these criteria and initiate a process of change. Therefore remember everything experienced in each session and there is no possibility whatsoever that a person is influenced by the therapist to do anything that does not wish voluntarily. These fantasies have arisen about the regressive therapy often closely related to the deep hypnosis but this is not the technique used in this therapeutic model.
Many wonder about the contents that emerge in therapy and whether it is regressive or not real. A therapeutic effect that is true or imagined is irrelevant because the subconscious is undeniable: the person feels and what she is for real and that reality constitutes its truth is established by the behavioral model to be modified.
Regressive therapy is indicated in the psychological and / or psychosomatic as phobias – depression – anxiety – feelings of guilt – low and / or lack of self-esteem – fear of unknown cause and / or known (fear of flying, water, the dark, fire, heights, etc..) – conflict in relationships (abandonment, rejection, no, repeated failures, dependence, submission in situations of abuse, etc.). – sexual blockades – as complementary therapy in diseases with or without diagnosed cases – and as a path of personal growth, among others.
Similarly is contraindicated in persons with severe mental illness with medication, schizophrenia, epilepsy, psychotic outbreaks, major cardiovascular diseases and children. In the cases of people facing acute crisis point as may be the loss of a loved one, a delicate post-operative, a chemotherapy treatment, the end of a relationship, etc, it is advisable to wait for stabilized physically or emotionally for the start of the therapeutic work.
In adolescents and pregnant women will be assessed each case.
Therapies and treatments
- Chiromassage
- Reflexology
- Reiki
- Bach Flowers
- Metamorphic Technique
- Naturopathy
- Homeopathy
- Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine
- Dietary advice
- Regressive Therapy
c / Tapioles, 9 (Metro Paral • lel)
Tel: 934433311