Published: 01/17/2007 - Updated: 06/28/2016
The province of Jaén will have an Advisory and Training Center for Organic Agriculture and Livestock, which will help advance the industry with the ultimate aim to strengthen this type of agriculture practices that respect the environment and provide significant advantages. The Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries, Isaías Pérez Saldaña, presided over the creation in Spain of the Board of the Center to be located in Bridge Génave.
The Agriculture and Fisheries will chair the new entity, which participates with 49% of the capital, the remainder being contributed by the Diputación de Jaén (33%), City of Puente Génave (16% ) and the Association for Rural Development of Sierra de Segura (2 %).
At the end of the act constituting the Board of Regents, Pérez Saldaña noted the interest in this initiative that will further boost a booming sector as organic. He also highlighted some of the projects to be undertaken as the Plan for Development of Horticulture and ecological Pomology in Riberas in the Guadalquivir, as part of the Plan ActivaJaén which cooperates with the county council to encourage the production of these two agriculture groups deficient in Andalusia.
According to the counselor, the influence of the Center will cover the counties of the Sierras de Segura, and South Mágina. Among other actions, the Sierra de Segura in March next Days Olivar Ecological concerns of the international sector, and in the Southern Region will be launched a Plan of Conversion sector to cherry production in collaboration with municipalities of Alcalá la Real, Castle Locubin and Torres sector and cooperatives. The aim is to diversify the crop to get a better products.
Also in Mágina, they are working on plans for each sector of the organic conversion of cherry, with the participation of the municipality of Torres, and agroecological development aimed at increasing the diversification of production ecology.
The province of Jaén represents 9% of the farming area (47,302 hectares) of the 519,910 hectares dedicated to organic agriculture in Spain. The Ministry of Agriculture has invested 586,991.20 euros last year in the provincial.
About the author
That’s cool, that’s a really good idea to have a counseling center for organic agriculture. There’s definitely a need forsome sort of organizing body to get together and agree upon methods to be used, how to educate people, and to promote the consumption of organic agriculture!