International Symposium of Massage Techniques and Expotherapies
The International Symposium of Massage Techniques is organized from a technical program in which work is carried out simultaneously.
The centerpiece of the symposium is the demonstrations taking place in the Auditorium, with capacity for 1,500 congressmen. Simultaneously, they conduct workshops and classrooms for a small number of congressmen.
When the number of professionals who wish to participate in a workshop or classroom asset exceeds the capacity of the technical capacity of the room, cannot access, only the Pre-Congress. No pre-registration is required for the Auditorium Room 7, where demonstrations are held. During the Symposium on November 25th and 26th, registrations will be accepted without reservation to active classrooms and workshops, access to limited capacity of the rooms.
Held on November 25th, 26th, 2006
Schedule 9 to 19.30. In the Palacio de Congresos de Barcelona Montjuïc Fair.
Fira Barcelona.
Overlapping activities: demonstrations, workshops, classrooms and Activas Exhibition Area
Sector Exposure techniques and natural therapies: Chiromassage, Reflexology, Lymphatic Drainage, Shiatsu, Osteopathy, Chiropractic, Sports Massage, Therapeutic Massage, Kinesiology, Functional bandages, Acupuncture, Digitpuncture, Ayurveda, Natural Medicine, Physiotherapy, Homeopathy, Naturism , Phytotherapy.
School of Manual Massage Dr. Ferrándiz Sagrera
Organizers: interalia, Trade Fairs and Conferences, SA