Published: 03/05/2008 - Updated: 08/14/2019
Author: Miriam Reyes
Spring, warm summer's announcement is yet to come. And very soon the days begin to warm the body with new dress clothes. Spring is a good time to go slowly preparing the entry of warm golden days of summer.
While a balanced diet is necessary to retain beauty at any time of the year, during the cold days could be said to be exceeding the normal consumption of products and fatty foods or high in carbohydrates, because they provide energy and a special coating to body with heat making it a place with greater retention of heat. Everything seems to go smoothly, without problems or concerns, while in winter we eat chocolates, sausages and so on, and while the body is covered with thick coats and clothing to the neck.
It is enough to feel the first warm days to dismiss the winter, and see that the results of these excesses become very obvious. Then we begin to emerge some impatience for wanting to get rid of those pounds gained during the winter.
Do not run or despair. While the kilos gained could have been avoided by following a proper eating behavior in winter is never too late to begin to shape the body. So while the spring is evacuating the cold winter, we may take a while to lay off those excesses in the body.
In fact, efficient following a diet is not so simple. Rapid and general diets usually do not cover all the needs of an individual organism, and can be worn in a severe form when the results can be very poor and stressful. Therefore, ignore the impatient wanting to shed pounds and focus on learn new and effective methods of dieting, so that in addition to achieving very positive results, all your health and your general state of body in in balance, purify and restore. And then your diet will not only make you look better, but you feel great.
Currently, diets are based on elaborate studies with patient, so that the design of the diet is properly aligned as closely as possible to the needs, providing a surprising result. Among the new diets that have emerged and attracted attention is the nutritional genetics and diet of the area, then we explain in detail.
Among the innovative ways of developing nutrition diets is genetics. This is a way of developing a diet, taking into account possible alterations in the genes in body to suffer from obesity or overweight. It is now discovered that there are nine genes associated with susceptibility and onset of obesity. To develop a gene-diet nutrition is necessary, first, making a patient's complete medical history, do a survey about their diet and nutritional life in general, and an assessment of their eating habits. Following an analysis of the genetic component of the consultant through a puncture in the index finger. Once analyzed the particular case of the patient, doctor begins to design a customized diet. The treatment and diet requires regular monitoring.
To follow a nutria-genetics diet, a specialist in the area will be willing you to change some habits and customs of our lives.
The zone diet
This diet is based in the need to ingest carbohydrates, proteins and fats in an exact and balanced way of 40-30-30, respectively. This means that 40% of calories for each meal has to come from carbohydrates, 30% of the protein and the rest 30% from fat. The correct combination of these micronutrients in foods , coupled with a daily supply of Omega 3 fatty acids, resulting in a very efficient hormone balance which induces responses that help not only to prevent the onset of disease but the much sought after weight loss. Although this process is progressive, and is slowly making a welfare-level physical, mental and even emotional, you can collect the results from the first week of following the diet plan.
How to follow these diets in an efficient way?
Before starting any diet, you need to visit a specialist in this type of allowance, to be he who determines the rules according to your body and your needs. It is important that the purpose of a diet is not just "losing weight”, but that you take a broader understanding of how the body acts so that it will not suffer or be weakened.
Remember you are at a very good time so you should be choosing the best diet that you like.
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