Infusions and Natural remedies for Iron deficiency or Anemia
Anemia is a condition in which the number of red blood cells or hemoglobin in the body is below normal levels.
In men, it is considered anemia when the hemoglobin level is less than 13.5 g/dl and in women when the hemoglobin is below 12 g/dl.
Some patients with anemia have no symptoms at all. However, others may experience symptoms such as fatigue, tiring easily, pale skin, shortness of breath, sweating, weak nails and heart problems, among others. Treatment of anemia is highly variable and dependent on its cause.
Herbal medicine also offers alternatives to treat this condition naturally.
This deficiency occurs due to a lack of iron, which in turn prevents the formation of red blood cells, which are responsible for transporting oxygen to the blood. This important mineral can be found in our food, but there are times when our diet is deficient in iron and therefore does not provide for our need to consume iron every day.
There may also be other reasons, such as habitual blood loss, such as in the case of heavy periods in women.
Some teas and natural remedies can help to combat iron deficiencies, either by stimulating the production of red blood cells, as well as being a natural source of iron.
Dandelion is a plant species rich in iron, so it can be used to increase the levels of this mineral in the body.
Preparation: Prepare a tea with a teaspoon of dry dandelion in a cup of hot water. Drink 1 cup after each main meal.
This is a very rich plant food and its leaves are a great source of iron.
Preparation: Use a teaspoon of dried nettle plant per cup of hot water, drink a cup three times a day. You can also use its leaves to prepare vegetable broths.
Although it has a bitter taste, gentian root stimulates digestion and increases the secretion of gastric juices and enzymes, which can contribute to the absorption of iron and other nutrients necessary for the normal functioning of the body.
Preparation: Boil 2 grams of gentian root in two cups of water for about 5 to 6 minutes. Cover and let stand for 3 minutes. Serve and sweeten with honey. Drink a cup half an hour before meals.
Another plant rich in iron.
Preparation: Place some previously dried and crushed watercress leaves in a quart of water and drink daily. It can also be used as an ingredient in your salads.
Royal Jelly
Consuming two to three tablespoons royal jelly each day is a great natural remedy for anemia, as it helps to increase the number of red blood cells in the body.
General recommendations
It should be noted that green tea is not recommended for people with anemia, as the tannins it contains may interfere with the absorption of iron.
Other foods to be avoided containing tannins are thyme, sage and pennyroyal mint.
Desirable foods are red meat and blood sausage (black pudding). Other plant sources of iron are legumes, such as beans and lentils, and vegetables such as kale and spinach.
Try to consume foods rich in vitamin C, for example citrus fruits like orange and lemon are rich in this vitamin. Also vegetables like peppers and broccoli. Vitamin C is important for iron absorption from plant sources.
Do not forget to check with your doctor, in many cases it may be necessary to prescribe iron supplements or another treatment.