Published: 01/08/2006 - Updated: 03/20/2017
Author: Prof. Dr. Luis Ruiz-García
New industrial area will be designated to processing of organic products, agricultural and livestock, and manufacturing, warehousing and distribution.
Presenting an industrial singular market
This has been the fundamental idea of the promoters of the techno-agro-feeding polygon whose works will start next year. The peculiarity is given because it is the first industrial park in Huelva and the end of Europe to be devoted to activities related to agriculture and processing of organic products. This is a pioneering bid launched by the City Council of Almonte. This has been done for just over 42 hectares. The result may be to begin shortly, although the project is to develop in the next ten years.
To give effect to the site, the consistory was the municipal industry initiative (ININ) The Tomillo whose first act was to promote this area for industrial use. Initially, the site would have an area of seven hectares, in full public advocacy through the municipal company, but due to the demand that was once offered the idea was necessary to expand the land on which to implement industrial activity.
Thus, the municipal area in which the project is has become almost 29 hectares. To these we must add 13 acres provided by private owners so that the total land is 42.6 hectares.
The park will be located in an area that joins the race with Almonte Rociana, right at the bottom of this form of communication, which is east of the city and northwest of almonteño municipality.
The site will feature 220,000 square feet of net industrial land, while the rest is reserved for construction of roads, green areas, equipment, etc. For public use has been allocated more than 179,000 square meters and private uses have reserved 246,000. Specifically, the park will have three areas devoted to industrial use, with a high density, medium or low, three areas of equipment, commercial, sporting and community and social and infrastructure areas, parks and gardens and roads. For high density, there are 77,000 square meters, which means they are small parcels, half of 41,000 square meters and 127,000 low, each attack on the fire risk. The number of plots is 218, of which 188 correspond to the zone of high density, the average 26 and 4, the low.
Private farms have agreement with the City and the entire municipal administration and urban initiative and once the process of urbanization will be presented with a part of the soil in which to locate businesses. Initially, the project was approved by the Provincial Commission of Urban Planning, was the subject of a timely amendment of the Partial Plan of Arrangement. In July of this year received clearance from the Commission for Land of Andalusia.
The land is covered by the union of several farms. Twelve of them acquired by the public ININ thyme, of which five are on the road A-484, five in Rociana path Alto County, one is internal and gives both sides, and four private farms.
The current status of the land is farmland, forest land and show no condition to manage them or the existence of archaeological sites listed in the area.
It should be noted that the project envisages the possibility of expanding the sector and therefore "public spaces have been left on the perimeter in order to give continuity to future performance" says councilor Area Tourism and Economic Town Hall, Jose Villa.
Currently the project is in the writing phase of the Partial Plan and draft urbanization. According to Jose Villa, once the drafting and adoption of this instrument development and planning work will begin. "The beginning of the same is expected next year, although the date is yet to be determined.”
The councilor explained that in its day the City signed with the Ministry of Agriculture a protocol for the promotion of this industrial park, agrees that today has had no development or no agreement is embodied in While both governments continue talks on the regional government partly finance the development of the site so that after sharing and co-management in the development of the macro project.
The City Council's idea is that the estate has specialized in agro ecological activities. "In time we are specializing the park as a strategy, because we understood that today there is much ground to make an industrial estate ordinary and that if we had to compete in the market would be a singularity. The idea was finally assigned ecological activities," said the mayor.
Thus, the industrial park is planned, according to its developer, as an area intended to cover the demand and need for food business that exists not only in the town of Almonte, but generally throughout County and the region of the province. In this way, is expected to settle a number of industries compatible and complementary with the use agro-food.
Going into details, the dominant use is that which aims to carry out all operations that are executed for the manufacture, preparation, processing, storage and distribution of agricultural products directly or indirectly for cattlemen foodstuffs.
As with the previous uses are the R & D, traditional technologies, and companies that handle natural resources, livestock, forestry and agriculture, such as pickled skins, to mention only these. Regarding complementary uses, the site accommodates all those who are directly serving the agribusiness holdings necessary for their operation, restaurants, cafes and bars, tertiary offices, logistics and transport. The project has the support even of the Committee on Organic Agriculture, which is becoming an ambassador of the document.
In the absence of some six or seven months to begin the work, and there are companies that are interested in this industrial area, although not approved the Partial Plan sponsors have been unable to outline any agreement. "There are many companies that have requested information, although it has been impossible to provide any cost as the project development is not completed and we do not know the cost," said Jose Villa.
The budget of the urban development work amounting initially to 6.81 million euros for earthmoving, drainage, water supply and distribution, grid interior medium and low voltage lighting, telephony infrastructure, landscaping and public open space and paving. For general infrastructure (sanitation, and supply medium-voltage) are budgeted 1.7 million euros.
The draft document will be submitted for compensation at the latest three months from the final approval of the Partial Plan or, where appropriate, the establishment of the joint compensation.
The proposed development shall be submitted for processing at the latest within three months from the final approval of the proposed compensation and without exceeding nine months from the final approval of the Plan Parcial.
The certificate of completion of works will be submitted within four years after the publication also the adoption of the Plan. May postpone this date provided that the City Council deems it warranted, when running concurrently with the building development.
Source: Huelva Information
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