Published: 11/06/2007 - Updated: 03/25/2014
With this campaign, the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food aims to increase awareness and consumption of these products among the Spanish population and to stimulate domestic demand for them.
The Director of Agricultural and Food Industry MAPA, Almudena Rodríguez, closed today at Oviedo the III Week of Organic Agriculture, an initiative to encourage this type of food among the population Overall, retailers and the food sector and this time as a novelty in the field of education and children.
Almudena Rodriguez closed the child outreach program at the College Gesta, including the III Week, which aims to raise awareness among children of the virtues of a healthy diet and the environment.
The Third Week of Organic Agriculture is part of the National Campaign of Information and Promotion of products from organic agriculture A campaign funded by the European Union and the MAPA (50%, respectively), launched a year ago, and aims to promote awareness and consumption of products from organic agriculture and livestock.
Schools of Asturias and Extremadura have hosted training sessions aimed at children 8 to 9 years, taught by educators who have impacted particularly on environmental and sustainability awareness for kids.
Asturias, Baleares, Canarias, Castilla y Leon, Extremadura, Galicia, Murcia, Madrid, Valencia and La Rioja have received from 19th until October 26th the activities planned for this week III of Organic Agriculture, in which they have highlighted two main objectives: the dissemination of this type of infant feeding among the public and the publication of a directory of producers of organic products.
With this campaign, MAPA aims to increase awareness and consumption of these products among the Spanish population and to stimulate domestic demand of them. Currently, it is estimated that around 70% of the Spanish population does not consume organic products due to ignorance, or are not easily found.
Since the start of the campaign in November 2006, have been another two weeks in advance of the Organic Agriculture, with promotional activities for Spanish families, professionals, trade and education and consumer associations.
Although Spain is the second country in Europe and eighth largest in the world with organic crop area is estimated that around 70% of Spanish production of such products are mainly exported to Europe, especially Germany, Netherlands, United Kingdom and France, where they arrive fresh. Consumption of products from organic agriculture in the domestic market still represents a cut in spending power of the Spaniards.
Source: MAPA
About the author
Cultivating awareness is realy the first step to creating better health, and of course, a healthier population! That’s amazing that the ministry of agriculture in spain is taking so many efforts to cultivate awareness. Here is the US, our government endorses refined products that are clearly less healthy.