Published: 06/02/2009 - Updated: 08/14/2019
Author: Miriam Reyes2 Comments
No doubt that the swimming performance depends, in general, in the ability of muscles to generate energy and to swim as fast as possible. Thus, if it is a competition, we should note that a correct diet and a good sports supplement ensure a optimum performance.
Diet for Compete
In principle we have made clear that food is the raw material needed to produce heat, to form and maintain body tissues. Thus the diet of the swimmers must have a proper balance of nutrients essential to achieving favorable yields and an optimal state of health. Good nutrition requires enough fuel to produce energy and the contribution of adequate vitamins and minerals that are essential for growth and functioning of cells. The swimmers body is exposed to great wear every day, caused by the physical burdens arising from the skills and training.
It takes time to consume:
- Water
- Vitamins
- Minerals
- Carbohydrates
- Fats
- Protein
The ideal is to make six meals a day: breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner, snack. This scheme is recommended to ensure the replenishment of nutrients consumed during training, avoiding the fall of blood glucose, which will feel more energy and replenish stocks faster in the muscles and liver, in addition to its action on the formation and repair of tissues.
Model Menu
Smoothie of 2 cup whole milk, 2 tablespoons of whey protein, 1 cup of strawberries, 9 almonds, sweeten.
1 / 2 cup of plain yogurt or sweetened, 3 almonds
1 cup of chicken broth with vegetables, 120 g of grilled chicken (seasoned to taste) 1 cup of steamed squash with 1 teaspoon of sour cream, 3 slices of avocado or salad to taste with 1 teaspoon of olive oil. Dessert: 1 orange, 1 / 2 cup of gelatin prepared with milk
Mid Afternoon:
1 / 2 cup of yogurt, 2 tablespoons of cream cheese, 15 grams of granola
Fresh Fruit
Omelet with ham and cheese, 15 gr of turkey breast, 15 grams of cheese, 1 / 2 cup of pico de gallo, milk with 2 tablespoons of whey protein, 2 servings of fruit, 1 bread or corn tortilla
What to eat before and after the competition?
Today it is believed that consumption of protein is not essential before a competition because it does not contribute to energy intensive activities, in addition to its slow degradation or digestion. In this sense, fats are not recommended for causing an effect similar to proteins. The food in the run up to the competition should be plentiful in carbohydrates, which are digested rapidly and are available for use as glucose, replenishing muscle and liver glycogen. These foods should be consumed 3 hours before the competition, to allow time for digestion. Your caloric intake should be between 500 and 800 calories.
In turn, the swimmer's diet after the competition should be rich in carbohydrates to support the rapid replenishment of glycogen in muscle and liver, which was used during the competition. Where the expenditure has been considerable, as the evidence of substance, this replacement can mean the difference between a good or bad performance later.
Experts say that the matter should be further enhanced food proteins to restore the damage that may have been submitted.
However the ideal is to consult a specialist or coach because every diet should be designed for each individual.
Creatine, a supplement, ideal for this practice
As a dietary supplement is recommended to consume creatine to help increase strength and muscle mass. In this way improves the strength and endurance of the athlete.
Creatine is the supplement of star athletes, its evolution has been steady since its appearance and dosage forms and has been greatly improved, making it one of the most used for all specialties.
Unlike other supplements, creatine is an organic compound, everyone has creatine in their body. This causes your intake is less dangerous than drugs or other substances to improve performance.
Its function
The role of creatine supplementation is to increase the speed of recovery of ATP. ATP (the energy molecule used by the muscles) and then do a contraction of the biceps muscle for example, it uses the ATP that has accumulated in the muscle, the ATP in just seconds and just has to be restored to continue with contractions. Creatine helps restore that ATP spent more quickly.
Creatine has other functions besides the recovery of ATP (adenosine triphosphate) and is the transport from ATP production sites to the muscle cell. Also some studies say it helps to control the harmful effects of lactic acid in reference to the change of intracellular pH.
Although all studies claim that creatine helps the muscle recovery process, not all studies claim that an extra contribution to a certain extent this improved recovery. We cannot forget that creatine is found in many foods that athletes take, such as fish, meat, milk, yogurt, cheese or eggs.
The appropriate doses of creatine should be supervised by a doctor or dietitian, as shall be related to the quantity, type and intensity of exercise and also in relation to food intake of the athlete.
In the market there are doses of creatine of fast, medium and slow absorption. Also available in tablets, effervescent tablets and bars.
Here are some examples:
Brand: Nutri Sport
Ingredients: Fructose, Maltodextrin, Creatine, Dextrose, L-Glutamine, Taurine, Strawberry Powder, lipoic acid, natural flavor.
Flavor: Strawberry.
Presentation: Tube of 1 kg
CREATINE 200g tablets
Brand: Nutri Sport
Ingredients: Creatine Monohydrate.
Composition: 1 g of creatine per tablet.
Presentation: Tube of 200 g.
About the author
Swimming is a sport that requires many things to meet the expenditure of minerals and other important essential substances for the body, as you do a full work with all your body, so it?s important, if you are doing it in a professional way, to consult a doctor before taking anything, that?s my first recommendation
That was a very interesting article, but I would have to say that although these diets are great for athletes, you can’t necessarily say that this diet is better for swimming than for any other sport. All sports require a balanced and fresh diet, regardless of whether it’s tennis, cycling, or swimming.