I European Human Forum, Barcelona 2008
Meetings for social and personal transformation
World Trade Center, 7-8-9 Barcelona in November 2008. Barcelona
This fall, Barcelona will host the European Humanist Forum, an initiative of ANH Alliance for a New Humanity. The mission of the Alliance is to connect and communicate around the globe, with individuals, groups and organizations committed to the pursuit of peace, social justice and ecological balance. I European Human Forum will focus its objectives in the pursuit of personal and social transformation, while serving as a platform for creating and developing projects in line with its principles.
The force that drives us
ANH was formed in 2003 to have its origins in a successful meeting during which people converged on a wide variety of professional fields. The meeting continued to grow as an ever-expanding network of people committed in this action group formed as a critical influence on society, government and politics, whose mission was to help build a sustainable, fair and peaceful world. Internationally renowned humanists, writers, entrepreneurs, personalities awarded of the Nobel Prize, peace activists and human rights, spiritual leaders, act in harmony with these core issues of the human agenda. The Alliance is open to anyone who shares these ideals.
I European Humanist Forum will support the presence of renowned personalities from various disciplines, activities and life experiences, who will address participants at the Forum during the group sessions, sharing their own experience with the objective of to initiate new strategies in the search for a new humanity.
So far the following persons and agents of change have confirmed their attendance:
Personal growth
- Deepak Chopra (U.S.A.). Chairman of the Alliance, doctor, writer and philosopher.
- Lynne McTaggart (United Kingdom). Journalist and researcher.
- Mercè Conangla (Spain). Technical Director of the foundation area.
- Jaume Soler (Spain). President of the field.
- Satish Kumar (India, United Kingdom). Writer, activist for peace.
- Naomi Paymal (Spain). Anthropologist and creative pedagogy
- Andres Martin (Spain). President of the Emotional Education Foundation (WEF)
- Dr. Jorge Carvajal (Colombia). Writer, scientist.
- Dr. Eric Pearl (USA). Introducer reconnect. Escritor.
- Dr. Angel Escudero (Spain). Surgeon. Founder of the Humanistic School "Noesiterapia"
- Prasanta Banerji (India). Physician, founder and CEO Prasanta Banerji Homeopathic Foundation
Peace and Social justice
- Adolfo Perez Esquivel (Argentina). Nobel Peace Prize
- Federico Mayor Zaragoza (Spain). Ex-Director General of UNESCO, President of the Foundation Culture of Peace.
- Fred Mats (Netherlands). President of the European Committee for the ANH
- Jaime Jaramillo (Colombia). Creator and President of the Foundation "Children of the Andes" and "Leadership Papá Jaime"
- Arcadi Oliveras (Spain). President of Justice and Peace.
- Vandana Shiva (India). Leader of the environmental movement as an activist, awarded by the UN.
- Fussler Claude (France). Friend of UN Global Compact
- Juan Valera (Spain). Environmentalist, entrepreneur and founder of the Foundation More Trees
Who is the target of I European Human Forum?
Forum is a meeting point for individuals, groups or organizations wishing to engage in projects for change, which have made for themselves and / or their organizations, two fundamental questions: "How can I improve myself and what can I do for this? "and" How do I want to see our environment and what we can do collectively to get there? The famous quote from Mahatma Gandhi "Be the change you want to see in the world "is a powerful statement thereon.
The Forum will cover a broad spectrum of issues with the clear objective of providing essential content to inspire and provide support for collective actions in the field of personal growth, education and health on the first day and the second on sustainability, peace and justice social, social, economic and organizational.
I Human Forum will be structured in plenary sessions, interactive dialogues and workshops for smaller groups. The dialogues will be interactive experiences of the speakers, change agents with the subsequent assistants. There will also be presentations from different entities of interest to all. There will be evening events including performances, music and more.
The Forum will also organize a day Managers on "Social Development and Economic Structure" to executives of public and private organizations to be held in collaboration with:
- ESADE Business School Grounds
- Foundation for Human Resources
- AEDIPE Catalunya (Association of People Management and Development)
- APDO (Association of Professionals in Organization Development)
Speakers confirmed to participate in this session are:
- Richard BARRETT (USA). consultant, author and international lecturer.
- Jean-Pierre LAURENT (France). Renault Steering Group
- Joan Antoni Melé (Spain). Territorial Director of Triodos Bank in Catalonia.
- Koldo Saratxaga (Spain). Corporate Advisor Mondragón
- TAMAMES Joaquin (Spain). Expert on legal and financial matters. Fundación Ananta
- Jil van EYLE (Netherlands). Founder of the concept of "Teaming".
- ZAPATA Maria (Spain). Director of International Operations Ashoka
- Ariane Arpa (Spain). Director General of Oxfam Intermón