Published: 04/28/2008 - Updated: 06/24/2016
Author: K. Laura Garcés G
This therapy is based on a simple, modern and innovative treatment that aims to revitalize the cells, tissues, organs, apparatuses and systems of the body through special oxygen.
What is Hyperbaric Oxygenation?
It is a method of treatment of orthodox medicine, which is to make the patient breathe 100% oxygen under pressure, between 1.5 to 3 atmospheres absolute, which is equivalent to the pressure that is supported in the water at a depth of between 5 and 20 meters. This oxygen is supplied in handling specialized cameras, which are called hyperbaric chambers. What happens is that by combining pressure and oxygen, they generate a range of physical and physiological effects, very good for the body.
In short, the patient quietly breathes 100% oxygen while in a pressurized chamber at a pressure greater than atmospheric environment. In these conditions, the oxygen dissolved in blood plasma(which is where the liquid red blood cells) and which, through this therapy, is responsible for transporting the most remote of the blood vessels , a vigorous irrigation of oxygen, especially in those cells, tissues and systems that may be deteriorating due to lack of oxygen. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy helps to revitalize cells, which are beginning to play better and increase in number, to do this, the cells require more oxygen, which form new blood vessels (capillaries) and revitalizing the organs of whole body in general, produce, and hence more attractive look, an effect not only highly beneficial for health but aesthetically, it has rejuvenating effects.
Uses and benefits in medicine
This therapy has a mechanism which promises to heal or recover faster from sports injuries and injuries from a list of diseases, because the same pressure in the chamber produces a very beneficial vascular constriction, this helps to decrease inflammation (swelling). It is quite amazing how quickly an athlete recovers with an injury treated in hyperbaric chamber. This therapy is used with significant experience in United States, Cuba and other countries.
The hyperbaric oxygenation therapy has been approved by the FDA (Food & Drugs Administration) and AMA (American Medical Association) of the United States of America and a number of government health institutions in Europe, Russia, Asia, South America and Cuba. In Mexico is approved by the Ministry of Health, Mexican Social Security Institute, the Institute of Security and Social Service Workers for the State and some other institutions of government.
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy has a high support value in today's medicine (health and beauty), and that helps a number of diseases which are listed below:
- Reduces recovery time
- Helps guarantee the recovery of plastic surgery
- Helps restore incredibly (in the third part of the usual time) burns.
- It is the only therapy indicated in certain cases such as decompression sickness (air embolism, carbon monoxide poisoning and other toxic gases, sudden deafness, infections, gas gangrene).
- Ideal support in all medical specialties, it helps to recover amazingly cases of fungal infection, leprosy, osteomyelitis, fractures, not welded, myocardial infarction, cerebral edema, anemia, ulcers, emphysema, diabetes, orthopedics, aseptic necrosis adult support for bone grafts, acute and chronic refractory osteomyelitis, neurology, multiple sclerosis, cerebral edema, migraine, brain injury, neurological, myelitis and neuritis post-radiation brain abscess, facial paralysis, stress and peptic ulcer disease, acid peptic, acute liver failure, Crohn's disease, and SITC, colitis and post-radiation proctitis, angiology, varicose ulcers, arterial insufficiency and acute sub-acute necrotizing linfagitis, complications of vascular surgery, vasculitis, and Raynaud syndrome, deep vein thrombosis surgery, intra-abdominal sepsis, paralytic ileus, delayed wound healing, fistulas, viral keratitis, cystoid edema, traumatic lesions and erosions of the cornea, optic neuritis, diabetic retinopathy,thrombosis of the central artery of the retina, idiopathic sudden deafness, acoustic trauma, gynecology, urology, post-radiation cystitis, geriatrics, Alzheimer's disease, chronic fatigue, Parkinson, skin diseases, psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, increases physical performance, and so on.
Other benefits:
- Ideal therapy to tone the skin, improve and stimulate the immune system
- As for disease prevention
- To rejuvenate and maintain the health
- In countries like Colombia it is used in aesthetic medicine to revitalize and rejuvenate the skin, helping to eliminate wrinkles and reduce sunspots or staining due to premature aging.
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