Published: 02/21/2011 - Updated: 07/22/2016
Author: K. Laura Garcés G
"There are many ways to reach China", and there are many ways to lose weight. However, in any plan or diet, the fundamental key to achieve this is called "love". Really wanting to lose weight is what ultimately will make you lose weight. If you're not really convinced to lose weight, then certainly there will be many obstacles to do it.
Here is a very practical guide with seven essential steps to help you achieve any diet that you propose. If you consider each step, then without doubt you'll see that those extra kilos will soon be left behind.
Seven basic steps to lose weight
1. Stimulate your will
Before you start any regimen, ask yourself: why I really want to lose weight? You need to have very clear your mind, because if your reasons are not clear, then anything that opposes you will break your diet or plan. It is often believed that losing weight is good for reasons like social acceptance or to be more loved. However, if this is your argument, then the diet may not succeed. If you act based on pleasing others or by "looking good", you will always battle with weight and dieting.
2. You can’t lose overweight, it’s cured
If you only think of "losing weight", then chances are that your attention is focused solely on over-fat or aesthetic issues, maybe you do need to understand that overweight is a disease, your heart and organs work with difficulty and this can cause many health problems of all kinds. So instead of thinking you're going to lose weight, think you're going to cure.
3. The health of your liver
If your liver is not healthy, then it will cost a lot to stay and achieve a healthy weight. So the first part where you should start is in improving the health of your liver. The liver performs over 500 functions in your body, breaks down and processes fats, nutrients and drugs, produces bile, which helps eliminate waste and break down fats in the small intestine during digestion, it also produces cholesterol and special proteins to transport fats through the body. When the liver is weak or sick, then you are very prone to being overweight. And if you are overweight, the liver is increasingly weak. So, it is essential that you start a diet for cleansing and vitalizing liver.
4. The traps of the mind
Every time you start something new in your life, there is a part of your mind that refuses to make it. This happens because the mind does not like new things or that represent a challenge, so everything possible will be returned to its usual place or convenience. Only your will can fight against this. You need to create mental images to encourage you toward what you want and make you back whenever you want to break the diet. Something that works in this case is to think that the diet you are doing is for the sake of yourself.
5. Anesthetized emotions
People who eat a lot at all hours usually tend to fill emotional needs and limitations with the food. Eating uncontrollably is an anesthesia against what we don’t want to do, see or feel. It is therefore possible that, when you start the diet, you may begin to see and feel things about you that you aren’t pleasing or bother you. Perhaps there are things that you do not want to take responsibility of, like the responsibility of your happiness, for example, that means becoming increasingly independent, either emotional or economic. Often this is triggered unconsciously, but then you "do not care" following the diet or not, and you feel desperate to eat. To combat this, we need to begin to visualize yourself as a person with ideal weight, but also that you are a safe and responsible person, surrounded by the resources you need to create your life, see you as someone with creativity and fulfilled.
6. Diet and supplements
Dietary supplements should not replace a good diet. You should have awareness of the importance of not only losing weight but healing deeply, and that only food and herbs can really help. After performing the cleansing diet, products like canary grass, dandelion, green tea or red, garlic, vegetable juices (especially the red tomato, carrot and celery), onions, whole grains and vegetable milk and oils should be part of your daily diet if you really want to cure overweight. You should make an effort to stop eating refined flour, sugar, fried sausages and avoid red meat and dairy. If for any reason, you feel anxious to eat during your diet, do not run to eat sugar or bread, eat some fruit like pineapple, papaya, orange, get vegetable juices or prepare a salad or vegetarian sandwich. Do not think that losing weight is about not eating; it’s about eating with quality and great awareness.
7. And finally, be patient
Do not despair and put all your will, help yourself with daily exercise to help stimulate the functions of your body as the food you eat is fully exploited. In addition, exercise will help maintain your tissues elastic and well nourished, and your body will achieve a strong and healthy figure.
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