Published: 10/10/2012 - Updated: 10/18/2018
Author: Miriam Reyes2 Comments
Did you know that hydration is not enough to keep hands perfect and a flexible skin? There are ways to wash and exfoliate them to get the look you want, and many of those ways are natural remedies.
Here are some secrets for you, to have younger and of course more beautiful hands. Our hands do so much for us; there is not a single day we don’t make use of them. However, we rarely provide a proper care for them, and therefore, they may look dull, dry, sometimes with injuries, and they can even peel. But, there are natural ways for their care.
Invest in a good hand lotion
Surely, you know that a good hand lotion will help you improve their appearance. But the trick is not just to invest in one, you must learn how to massage your hands with a great moisturizer, take the time to moisturize between the fingers, your nails and cuticles. If you spend a lot of time at the computer, that means your hands work all day, therefore, you should have a moisturizer in your purse or your office.
Home Remedy: mashed potatoes mixed with milk are great hand masks, which can hydrate them, if you do not have a specialized cream.
Good nail care
Once a week, soak your hands in soapy water for a couple of minutes and then lime, take care of your nails before applying a nail polish of your choice. You can also choose a layer of transparent nail polish, for a more natural and clean style.
Home Remedy: Eat food rich in calcium like dairy products for healthy nails.
Be careful when washing your hands
Water that is too hot or too cold is not good for your hands, so always try to wash your hands in water at regular temperature.
Home Remedy: Boil water and mix 1 tablespoon of herbs like chamomile, calendula and sage. Soak your hands for 15-20 minutes. Dry and apply a moisturizer. This way you will keep your hands hydrated and relaxed, with perseverance, you will notice an improvement in their appearance.
Adequate protection
If you are washing dishes and clothes, or your hands have a lot of contact with water, it is advisable to wear gloves. Otherwise, just use oil before any work related to water, your hands won’t be affected or feel painfully dry.
Home Remedy: You can use olive or almond oil to protect and moisturize your hands before work.
Beware of the sun
Solar rays are harmful to the health of skin in general, and if you expose your hands to sunlight, there is a possibility that spots appear. It is always good to apply sunscreen to your hands during the day.
Home Remedy: Use lemon, touching slowly on the spots, to match the skin tone.
Remember to exfoliate your hands
Our skin regenerates, and daily we produce dead cells, you need to get rid of dirt and dead skin cells by exfoliating your hands.
An exfoliant, therefore, helps to improve circulation and leaves your hands looking younger and refreshed. You mustn’t do it every day; it is advisable that you do it once a week.
Home Remedy: Take two tablespoons of butter and a tablespoon of sugar, mix them well and use the paste to massage your hands until the sugar particles disappear. Wash your hands and feel the difference.
About the author
I was wondering if you can recommend me a good exfoliant for my skin? I tend to have dry and ugly hands because of some products. I have some allergies. Well, I?ll try some of the advices here to recover my beautiful hands and I?ll let you know if they worked!
I’ve never really had a problem with having “unsightly” hands. I actually work in the garden a lot, and do a lot of manual labor, but I think the rugged look of my hands not only helps me live the life I want to live, but it looks great! It shows strength, durability, and I wouldn’t want to change that at all.