Published: 10/03/2012 - Updated: 10/06/2018
Author: Miriam Reyes1 Comments
The hair falls, and it’s not a matter of alarm, usually hair loss is replaced by a new hair from the same hair follicle, located just below the surface of the scalp.
Luckily there are some excellent home remedies for women, which can accelerate growth and hair re-growth.
Hair loss in women
Preventing hair loss in women is possible. Make sure you're getting a good amount of vegetables and fruits, try to stay away from chemicals that can damage your hair, and add some vitamins to your daily consumption. Moreover, you can be sure that today, there are good treatments to control the hair fall, as well.
Women lose more hair as they get old. Many of them experienced a generalized thinning hair or "flared portion" in the center of the scalp after menopause. This is known as female baldness pattern.
Premature loss or thinning of hair can also be due a wide variety of other causes. Most women lose some hair in the two or three months after giving birth, and this can last up to six months. After a fever, severe stress, surgery, or infection a person can also lose a lot of hair. Similarly, two or three months after having a diet with insufficient protein intake, hair may fall out.
As male baldness pattern, hormonal changes and genetic predisposition are the ones to blame. Although women don’t lose hair as much as men, they are constantly searching for a cure for this distressing problem. In resume, more than two thirds of all men and women have some type of hair loss or thinning problem in their lifetime.
Many prescription drugs can cause reversible hair loss. Cancer patients treated with certain chemotherapy drugs can lose up to 90 percent of their hair, but eventually it returns after the treatment is over. Birth control pills that contain high levels of progestin can also cause hair loss.
Other possible causes of hair loss include trauma, syphilis, tumors, thyroid disease, connective tissue diseases, bacteria, fungi, or herpes infections of the scalp, improper hair care with tight hairstyles, excessive use of dyes and permanent, and, in women, excessively high levels of male hormones.
Many female baldness resulted from various deficiencies, including deficiencies of vitamins A, B6, B12, folic acid, biotin, vitamin C, copper, iron and zinc. Hair loss can be a sign of vitamin A toxicity and deficiency. Vitamins B6, B12, folic acid, copper and iron are necessary for the normal formation of red blood cells that supply oxygen to the hair shaft.
The copper also operates in the formation of hair pigmentation, so the copper deficiency can also cause color shifts in the hair. With vitamin C deficiency, hair splits and breaks easily, resulting in dry, curly and matted hair.
Silica is also important for hair growth and strength. Vitamin E is also necessary for a healthy scalp and hair follicle.
There is also a problem known as alopecia areata. This condition can cause a lot of psychological stress. A person with alopecia areata can lose hair from head, eyelashes, eyebrows, beard, and all the areas of the body with hair.
Since virility, youth and attractiveness are associated to a full head of hair, hair loss and thinning can have a huge psychological impact on a person.
Nourish your body and hair
In addition to correcting the deficiencies of vitamins and a healthy diet, women who lose hair l due to physical trauma, starvation diets, or heavy periods can get benefits from a multivitamin that contains high power and 50 milligrams of iron, together with 1, 000 milligrams of vitamin C to increase iron absorption.
Aloe vera
Some people had succeeded with the use of aloe. It is suggested that you apply the gel on the scalp every night before bed, and you can also take 2 tablespoons of aloe juice orally every day.
It can be applied to the scalp twice a day in form of a cream, ointment, or hair rinse. Arnica increases local blood circulation, and therefore can help promote hair growth.
Hair oils
Jojoba oil can help with hair loss when applied to the scalp.
Emu oil is recommended as a moisturizer and stimulating hair. Apply on the root to promote hair growth.
Add rosemary oil and almond oil; massage the mixture into your scalp for twenty minutes a day, this can help to keep your hair healthy and lush.
Prevent hair loss
The sage extract can be added to your favorite shampoo. Or you can use double-strength sage tea daily as a hair rinse to stimulate hair growth.
Safflower is considered to be a good vasodilator. Massage the scalp with safflower oil for twenty minutes a day to increase local blood flow and stimulate hair growth.
Remember it is important to know the cause of hair loss, so you can choose a appropriate treatment for you. A dermatologist is the specialist that can help you to get the most accurate diagnosis.
About the author
Great articles!! I’ve noticed that since my hair has gotten longer, it seems like I loose more hair, but I think that’s just because each strand is longer, so it makes the bunch of lost hair look bigger. My grandmother did go nearly bald, however, so I am always very aware of my hair loss. Thanks for the wodnerful article!