HISPAMAS. European Congress of Massage
HISPAMAR '06 was intended as a meeting place where professionals from all over Spain can share experience and knowledge.
From the Organizing Committee we welcome you to this 5th edition in the hope that, together, we can return to the manual therapy the prominence it deserves. During three days we will have the opportunity to visit booths set up by the most prestigious in the industry and attend workshops and presentations which together make 20 exposures. In this new edition we wanted to extend the international event inviting prominent figures from the world of massage and we have incorporated a series of workshops that will form the majority of the papers with a strong participatory character.
Reflecting on this program, we wanted to bring together specialists in accredited technical or therapeutic methods as diverse as to their origin and application as osteopathy, chiropractic, massage therapy and sports, lymphatic drainage, shiatsu, functional bandages, homeopathy, etc.
Ultimately, HISPAMAR '06 represents an excellent opportunity to enjoy the technical manuals and discover the wide range of offerings, in a moment when the rise of these therapies reached unprecedented levels in the social acceptance and demand.
Programming Congress
Friday September 29th:
10:00 Exhibition
10:50 Documentation of the rules of congress
11:00 1st Paper
A new vision of Osteopathy. Osteopathy THERAPY AS INTEGRAL INDIVISIBLE
Juan Carlos Serrano. Physiotherapist. Osteopath.
Pablo Plasencia Villalba. Physiotherapist. Osteopath
Osteopathy is usually divided into three areas: structural (and peripheral), and visceral sacrocraneal and the osteopath specializing in one of these branches and leaves aside the other. This paper discuss the importance of uniting the three branches osteopathic treatment for a truly holistic and effective, diminishing the importance and symptoms suffered by the patient at this time and seek the true cause of the illnesses of the patient.
11:50 Break
12:30 2nd Paper Trauma
Explanation of the process by the TCM (clinical application)
Hector Don Jano Arruebarrena. Doctor of acupuncture and moxibustion. Professor of the ESTP.
In this paper we approach and try to give explanation to the different techniques of traditional Chinese medicine (moxa, cupping, hammer seven points, finger, …) implemented in the massage and osteopathy.
13:20 3rd Paper
Toxemic strategy and nutrition manual for treating contractions and tendinitis
Pedro Martinez. Doctorate in Acupuncture. Massage
The real cause of the contractions and tendinitis (misnamed injuries overload) is an accumulation of toxic system coupled with a shortage of nutrients (calcium, magnesium, etc.) A strategy of detoxification and nutrition is an essential complement to the exceptional treatment manual massage and osteopathy. He explain the different treatment strategies from all possible viewpoints.
14:10 Break for lunch
Madrid’s massage Fair
16:00 Opening of rooms
16:15 4th Paper
Chinese massage in treatment of internal
Larry Ibarra. Specialist in Traditional Chinese Medicine.
Application of traditional Chinese medicine, Chinese massage, especially as a supplement in the treatment of internal ailments. This presentation will be enhanced by an exhibition explaining cases like this technique used in several patients.
17:10 Break
17:40 5th Lecture
Application of electrotherapy and other treatments as a complement in degenerative pathology
Chema Robles Robles. Physiotherapist, Doctor of Chinese Medicine
He intend to publicize the bases of electrotherapy using simple equipment that could handle up to the patient, this technique can be a good addition to massage treatments. Degenerative diseases treated mainly taking into account the factors that produce systemic treatments given and the application of adequate flows.
18:30 6th Lecture
Manual therapy in syndromes of trapped canicular syndrome or carpal tunnel
Dr.Jaume Albareda. Specialist in physical medicine and rehabilitation. Director of the Trauma-esport
rehabilitation. Director of QUIROTEMA (College of Technical Manuals and Chiromassage)
Canicular syndromes are a group of disease in which certain soft structures (vessels and nerves) are in path compression by channels, ridges and gorges producing paresthesias, pain and paresis. In advanced stages the treatment of these syndromes is surgical, although the manual therapy in one that can slow the operation.
19:20 Break
20:50 7th Lecture
Cervical syndrome with common denominator, prevention and treatment with neuromuscular technique.
Dr. Maria del Pilar Fortoul Gacía (MADRID). Medical Specialist Sports Traumatology.
Head of medical services of the Municipality of San Sebastian de los Reyes Olivo, Joaquín Martínez (MADRID) and postgraduates in Sports Massage Massage
The Cervical Pathology is a very common symptom, affecting many people. Important to establish the diagnosis, prevention and treatment right: Finding the best results in combination with Neuromuscular Technique.
September 30:
13:30 8th Lecture
Pathology and homeopathy barre-lieou/syndrome
Hélio Pereira. Orthopedic Surgeon. Graduate assistant hospital of Orthopedics and Traumatology Hospital of Chascáis (Portugal). President of the Portuguese Society of Homeopathy
Homeopathic Semiology. Therapeutic Abordage integrated. Symptomatic medication,
constitutional and similar drugs. Practical aspects.
10:30 9th paper
Diseases of "enthesitis" insertions in different sports
Doctor Jesus Vazquez Gallego
Doctor of Medicine and Surgery. Specialist in Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology. Specialist in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. Specialist in Clinical and Social Gerontology. Chief of Rehabilitation Xeral-Calde Hospital of Lugo. President of the Galician Association of Sports Medicine. Director of Massage Magazine. Author of several books on. Sports and Therapeutic Massage.
Disease inserts for the athlete, conservative treatments. The enthesitis (= inclusion bodies) is one of the most common injuries in sports, which can occur both in childhood and youth, sports professionals and veterans. Most of the time is due to excessive stress. Increasingly greater impact and may even force the withdrawal of sports activity. In the lecture is a broad description of the main problems of the clinic and its treatment, which should always be early and individualized and tailored to the type of sport and activities.
11:20 10th Lecture
Epicondylitis – clinical and therapeutic approach
Adoni Jáuregui Crespo. Doctor of Medicine and Surgery. Specialist in Physical Education and Sport. Co-Director of the International School of Osteopathy
Why this pathology has increased in the general population? The paper will present a clinical and therapeutic approach with conventional and contrast with a functional approach to pain referred to the region of the epicondyle.
12:10 Break
09:00 Doors open
10:00 Break
Shiatshu and the hara (womb)
Américo Filipe. Diploma in Traditional Chinese Medicine by the Portuguese Institute of Naturology. Professor of Luohan. Qigong and Tai Chi Chuan Yang. Professor Shiatsu Therapy Institute of Portuguesh Naturología
Implementation of shiatsu and the hara. Shiatsu as "pressure technique" as "the freeing of the body." Application of some techniques, exercises and diaphragmatic breathing.
17:00 Break for lunch
12:40 11th Lecture
Discover the magic of obsidian (use of hot and cold stones)
Roberto Callado Verduras. Hot rocks obsidian therapist. Expert in Metamorphic Technique.
Lara Miriam Batista. Commercial director of the center-crystal harmony. Therapist of hot stones and obsidian. Dietitian
Search within minerals led us to discover the power of Obsidian, being a volcanic stone retains heat for a long time, this together with quartz are heated and used in combination with Onix stone. Thanks to the alternation of cold-heat, the flow changes rapidly increasing cellular nutrition and elimination of toxins.
Also accelerates the exchange of fluids and an increase in blood flow to the point of improving the chemical composition. Besides the hot stones provide muscle relaxation, they relieve pain and improve the chronic inflammatory processes, while the cold cause vasoconstriction and stimulate the release of histamine and other substances that act on the pain and the acute inflammatory process. The difference with other treatments, hot stone marks the properties of Obsidian, Onyx and Quartz that will directly affect the physical, emotional and mental patient.
14:15 Break for lunch
16:00 Doors open
12th overall functional Rebalancing Report
Through the central line of gravity
Javier Imaz Fandos. Doctor of Medicine from the University of Zaragoza. D.O. homoeopath osteopath. Medical Director of the Institute of Osteopathy. Professor of Structural Osteopathy, cranial and visceral at the IAO and Syntagna
Still the fundamental axiom of "structure governs function," is essential for proper biomechanics.
By working through the structural readjustment of the lines of Osteopathic gravity of the body and especially the center line of gravity is achieved, harmony, balance and proper physiological functioning of the body.
17:30 14th Paper
Reflexology as aid in cases of childhood stress
Mulero Isabel Jiménez. Master in industrial aesthetics. Chiromassage. Naturopath. Cranio-sacral therapist. Founder and director of the Center since 1988 Kore dedicated to Aesthetics, Naturopathy and manual therapy
Support reflexology as hyperactive children, stress, lack of concentration, dyslexia, fear
reviews learning difficulties or in the psychosocial adaptation .. Description of some real cases.
18:20 15th Lecture
Radiology for therapists
Segond Ricardo Becerra. Physiotherapist. Osteopaths. Technical Specialist
Recognize the radiological anatomy and pathology of the articular bone and spine as well as to detect different radiological procedures (conventional radiology, CT, MRI, etc.) contraindications to manual therapy and general.
19:10 16th Paper
Presentation lesions of man
Primitivo Ortega. Director of the School of Osteopathy GAIA
In functional lesions shoulder usually assess the ligaments and muscle pain as a cause of injury, excluding a musculo-skeletal joints local compensation system including the nearest backbone in connection with the reflex zones and plans to pleural area. This conference will mark the order of treatment and differential diagnosis, depending on acute or chronic condition of the patient.
19:00 Break
20:00 17th Lecture
Treatments with hand and techniques for cellulite
Professor Claude Bernard University of Lyon, worked for fifteen years in the business sector in the form of pedagogical University Lecturer involved in creating programs in the areas of fitness (DEUST) and care of the body (DUTAF).
Professor Claude explain the most effective techniques for treating obesity and cellulite supplements with manual techniques and appliances.
20:45 End
10:40 Lecture 19th
Painful in sport
Dr. Aránzazu Vázquez Doce. Specialist in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. Master in Disability Assessment. Optional Specialist area. Hospital Universitario de la Princesa. Madrid.
Shoulder pain is a disease that manifests as pain and functional impotence in the anatomy of the shoulder and could affect adjacent structures, arm and cervical spine, producing a functional impotence of the waist scapula. It is a disease common in sports that demand overstraining above the horizontal shoulder. We summarize the most common causes of shoulder pain during sports, the differential diagnosis and physical treatment.
Doors open 09:00
09:15 18th Lecture
Treatment of injuries through the china phytotherapy
Dr. Marcos Antonio Afonso.
Professor Fernando Weight (Oporto). President of the Portuguese Institute of Naturología
They address a particular vision of TCM on sports injuries and trauma studies. You will see the resolution of problems and the drafting of the convalescence period without any side effect. Will find a simple way what is the treatment in different types of trauma to the technical manual can advise you.
10:00 Break
11:30 20th Lecture
The eight movements of the hip and treatment for neck pathologies through shiatsu and sotai
Shigeru Onoda. Graduated in JAPAN SHIATSU College, Tokyo. Dedicated to the study and research sotai-ho and other techniques of shiatsu. Founder of two schools of shiatsu in Madrid and the School of Japanese Shiatsu. President of the N.S.E. (Namikoshi Shiatsu
Europe) across Europe, which coordinates the teaching of Shiatsu namikoshi since 2003
There is a very intimate relationship between the cervical and lumbar area and through the mobilization of labor and the final part of column reacting the area we want to treat. It is part of the holistic work we do from areas distal to the areas that present the problem and with which good results are achieved through the Shiatsu therapy and its complement with Sotai (postural).
13:00 21th Lecture
Manual therapy with essential oils. AROMATHERAPY IN THE BENEFITS OF THE CENTURY.
Enrique Sanz Bascuñana. Founder and Director of the Vital Apsara (Cosmetics-Natural Aromatherapy), which is dedicated to the development and formulation of cosmetics. Founder and President of the Spanish Association of Aromatherapy (SAA) (1,999). Creator of the lines of cosmetics "APSARA VITAL, ADABEL and Kiom-DERM" (1.991-1994), pioneer in Spain Organic Cosmetics and the concept of "Cosmetics Bioenergetics."
The applications and advantages of the use of essential oils and pure vegetable oils of plant origin in manual therapies, such as work items, holistic health and balance of the human being, with valuable input on new discoveries, new applications, new plant sources and deeper on the knowledge of the classics.
13:50 22nd Paper
Assessment Report of the different causes of back pain
Antonio Aguilar Martín. Technical Director of the Institute of Health Kiros, SLU President COFENAT Extremadura. Osteopaths. Naturopath, homeopath,
In a back pain we must learn to distinguish the origin may be causing it: muscles, joints, ligaments, disc, cranial, visceral, degenerative, emotional outbreaks interfering, and so on. In this paper we show a protocol test on the back of the patient in 15 minutes of the most common causes that cause such discomfort or pain.
Practical workshops
- Application of sales massage. -Hector-Jano
- Application hammer massage. points on 7-Pedro Herreros-
- Application of Artemisia vulgaris moxa in massage. Jose-Luis Alvarez-
- Manufacturing massage cream with essential oils. -Enrique Sanz-
- Stretching lower limb. Mercedes-Ortega
- Facial paralysis with electroacupuncture. -Chema Robles-
- Application of electrotherapy for empowerment of various muscle groups. -Chema Robles-
Stretching the major muscles of the upper limb. -Cristina Blanco-
All workshops will coincide with the presentations. Your entry will be limited to 150 people. Some will be repeated at different times. The entrance will be reserved on a first request to the Congress, in booth Organization. It was published the other day of the congress workshops